Hi Pascale,
Thank you for the reply.
I have just tested this once more using the keyword at the end of the title and this is detected. I’ve shared a screenshot below:

I am not quite sure why your results are different. Could you please test from an incognito window on your browser?
Thank you.
Will do. 🙂 I don’t have access now, as you’re still ‘editing’. 🙂
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve logged out so that you can be able to edit.
Let me know how this goes. Thank you.
Hi Michael,
Thank you.
I tested this in incognito, replacing the ‘astounding’ at the end of the title with ‘free’. It is still not detected. Strange, right?
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the follow up.
Would you mind checking if there are any white spaces or any additional special characters after the text and let us know how this goes?
Please note that as long as the power word exists, this will not affect your SEO since the Rank Math tests only run on the backend when editing the page/post and serve to provide some guidance to let you know the areas that you should improve.
I hope this info helps. Thank you.
No spaces or extra characters, just replacing one word with another.
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the reply.
Could you please check the post that I’ve added on the sensitive data section and let us know how this goes?
Thank you.
Yep, that one works. But so do all other +100 posts…
It’s just this one.
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the reply.
I can suggest that you ignore this test since for some reason it won’t go green for the 100+ posts but we have confirmed that this works from a different browser.
Let me know if this is an option.
Hi Michael,
I am not sure if I understood you correctly.
The test works for all my posts on all browsers, except for one post.
For that post, for me, it doesn’t work on any browser.
Of course, I can let it go, but to me, when odd things like this happen, you need to get to the bottom of it.
My last post had a similar, yet slightly different issue. There, at one point, RankMath stopped counting the keywords. Also a novelty, and alos just for one post. (not the same one as the one with the power word)
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the reply.
We would love to get to the bottom of this but the problem is that in all my tests I cannot replicate the behavior and thus it is likely a browser issue on your end. I have shared some screenshots of the same post earlier on this thread while testing on my end and the test goes green.
At this point, I can suggest that you test this from a different device so as to rule out Rank Math as the cause of the problem.
Thank you.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your advice.
I did the test on iPad, with the same result.
Adding the words ‘free’ or ‘astounding’ at the end of the title is not detected. Those same words at the beginning are detected.
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the additional info.
I am passing this on to my colleague so that they can also test this to see if the results will be different.
We will get back to you shortly. Thank you.
Thank you. Meanwhile, is it okay if I remove the test post you made?
Hi Pascale,
Thanks for the follow up.
Yeah, please go ahead and delete it. We will notify you when we are done.
Thank you.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.