Sitemap not working correctly

  • Resolved Shamsudeen Adeshokan
    Rank Math free

    Hello, RankMath,

    My blog posts xml sitemap generated by RankMath isn’t working correctly.

    Here are the problems:

    1. I have a total of 218 published posts (at this time), but only 210 are available in the sitemap.
    2. Newly published posts are added to the sitemap, but the total number of published posts on the site map remains the same – 210. So, technically, each time a new post is added to the sitemap, another previous post is removed.

    Here is the website URL:

    How do I resolve this?

    Thank you for your time and helpful response in advance.

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for your query, and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.

    Can you please try following the steps below to see if that works for you?

    #1. Flush the Sitemap cache by following this video screencast:

    #2. Exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:

    #3. If the above steps doesn’t seem to work, kindly apply the following filter code to your site.

    add_filter( 'rank_math/sitemap/enable_caching', '__return_false');

    Here’s how you can add filter/hook to your WordPress site:

    We hope that helps, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Thank you.

    Hi, Alhan,

    Thank you for your response.

    After following step 1 above, it worked. The Sitemap now contain all the published post.

    However, there is still a problem to be solved.

    Post-sitemap contains all published posts but does not reflect in the Google search console. The Google search console interface still has 202 and 9 posts in sitemap 1 and sitemap 2, respectively.

    But when you look it up in the browser, you can see all posts present in the sitemap – (202 URLs) (17 URLs)

    Is this a problem from the Google side, or what? How do I resolve it?

    Thank you.

    I forgot to add in my previous comment that I use the Breeze plugin and hosting from Cloudways and have added these URLs to never cached list in the plugin. I’m adding this info just in case it might help.

    Here are the URLs added:

    I also added screenshots to help with more clarification. Sitemap from Googel search

    Breeze Plugin never cache list


    Please note that it may take some time for Google to update the URL count from a sitemap page. Please give it some time for Google to recrawl your sitemaps and update the report on Google Search Console.

    You can also remove all your sitemaps from Google Search Console and resubmit only the primary sitemap (

    Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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