rankmath snippet not saving :(

  • Resolved Tentacle Design
    Rank Math free

    Maybe you can help me. I am using wordpress with divi theme. Rankmath snippet changes are not updating to live site and the settings are not saved when i refresh the working page too. I tried switching my php from 8.1 to 7.4 but that didn’t work. I see lots of 404 md 403 errors in google console. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I don’t use a firewall either.

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and bringing your concern to our attention. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you.

    If you’re not using a firewall, then it could be caused by conflicting theme or plugins on your site.

    Assuming you are using the latest version of all the plugins and the themes (please update if not yet), to determine that, please follow this troubleshooting guide:

    Here is a video you can follow as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcIWRhcUP2c

    Only the site admin would know and your users won’t be affected by this troubleshooting.

    If the issue still persists, please check with your web host if your website has the ModSec (ModSecurity) feature enabled in your server as it can block the process from Rank Math.

    Let us know how this goes.

    Thank you.

    Hi Reinelle,
    Thanks for helping out. Ok, I tried the troubleshooter. All worked fine. Just seems to be when I try to use the DIVI theme on page edit. I did find that it works if I ask to edit the page vs doing it in Divi though. Interesting. So it woks if I just click Edit and change the title or meta description there but not if I edit page and try to do it in there. Hmm… I guess that makes it a divi issue.


    Please ensure that the Divi theme is already updated to the latest version on your site.

    You can also get in touch with the Divi team regarding this issue and keep us in the loop on how this goes.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thank you.

    So it seems to be that I need to have the WP control bar showing up top on page or it doesn’t work. Weird.
    I had mine turned off.
    Thanks for help.


    We are glad that worked.

    If you have any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to assist you further.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thank you.

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