Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.
I have raised this issue with our dev team and we will be getting back to you in a short while.
Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
Great! Thanks for keeping me in the loop!
In your posts, you mentioned this combo:
> Setup a clean WordPress install with RankMath, Gutenberg, Woocommerce, and Block Editor For Woocommerce plugins.
Is Block Editor For Woocommerce plugin
a plugin you are using? If so, can you link us to the plugin’s page?
Also, have you tried using the Block Editor of WP 5.0+ instead of relying on a standalone Gutenberg plugin?
Please let us know so we can help you better.
Todd, I already linked to the plugin in my initial post. Please see above.
The presence or absence of the standalone Gutenberg plugin makes no difference, so I should have left that out of my report.
Thanks for looking into this.
Oh, I must have missed that. Sorry.
It seems the plugin you are using is experimental with just 40 active installs:
This is a proof of concept ( and experimental) Plugin that Gutenberg is pretty awesome with WooCommerce.
You will need to talk to the developer of that plugin about this issue since it is not something coming from Rank Math. Please raise an issue with them here: https://github.com/Kudratullah/Block-Editor-For-WooCommerce/issues
If any input is needed from our end, we would love to assist.
Hi Todd,
I’m afraid that plugin is distracting from the main issue here. The plugin is, as stated, a simple way to enable the Gutenberg block editor on Woocommerce product posts. The reality is that the same can be accomplished with a single line of code:
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post_type', '__return_true');
Here’s a simplified list of steps to reproduce:
- Install Woocommerce & RankMath on a fresh install of WordPress.
- Add the above code to the active theme’s functions.php
- Create a product, confirm that RankMath is working.
- Comment on the product in the front end, then return to the backend. RankMath will no longer load.
As I said, I understand that this is a narrow use case, but the block editor is the future, and our agency is embracing it, including on product posts. This is the only issue that we’ve experienced with it so far.
It could be that this is exclusively a Woocommerce error, but it would be nice to have that confirmed so we know where and who to message about getting this fixed.
As much as we would love to offer customized solution to each and every user we have, it just isn’t possible for a small company like ours with limited resources.
Especially since that plugin has just 40 users.
We will still see if there is a way for us to fix this.