Rank math Redirection

  • Resolved Trapti Gupta
    Rank Math free

    Today I want to ask a question about redirection through Rankmath:

    1) I want to redirect 26 to 30 useless blog posts to the homepage of my website, so should I do redirection through the “Redirection tab” or redirect individual posts (where the redirection option in each post). Is there any difference between these two methods?

    2) Is redirection through a plugin like rank math slows down my website because redirection exists in the database? And I optimize or clear unnecessary database files occasionally through the plugin wp rocket so will I unable to optimize or clear database files after redirection?

    3)Can I delete my old posts after redirecting them to the homepage?

    4)Will I need to resubmit a sitemap in the google search console after redirection?

    5)What manual actions should I take after redirection? Should I import or export files etc?

    One other confusion related to Google we search console:

    1) In the google web search console, there are 29 URLs in the mobile version in the web vitals and no URL in the desktop version in web vitals (No good Url, No poor Url, nothing. And I am getting the traffic from desktop). What could be the reason? I am asking you because I changed my SEO plugin from yoast to rank math a few months ago. This might happen in conversion, I don’t know. I didn’t notice this thing before conversion and after conversion. I noticed 3 days ago. Can you tell me what is the problem?

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  • Brian
    Rank Math free


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    so should I do redirection through the “Redirection tab” or redirect individual posts (where the redirection option in each post). Is there any difference between these two methods?

    You can use either of the two. When you create a redirect within the post editor section it normally registers an entry in the Redirection list. So this is possible via either of these sections.

    Is redirection through a plugin like rank math slows down my website because redirection exists in the database?

    Yes, Rank Math does create these entries or redirections of your site within the database. But hardly will they slow down your site while processing them unless they are too many accessed at the same time.

    will I unable to optimize or clear database files after redirection?

    Sure this is recommended as well. Optimization will help the URLs accessible fluently.

    Can I delete my old posts after redirecting them to the homepage?

    Since you already placed a 301 redirect from the old post to the new one, then you’re all set and there is no need to delete the old posts because as soon as you, or a crawler, access the old page,s you’ll be redirected to the new ones without “seeing” the old content.

    If you are referring to deleting the content from your CMS, then you can go ahead and do so as they are not accessible anymore. Just make sure that the 301 redirects are still in place.

    Will I need to resubmit a sitemap in the google search console after redirection?

    Please note that XML sitemaps aren’t required, and sites don’t rank any better/worse as a result of using them or not using them. Thus, if you change pages on your site or add pages, Google will find them eventually.

    But if this a suggestion to make we always recommend updating your sitemap on your GSC whenever you make changes on your backend.

    What manual actions should I take after redirection? Should I import or export files etc?

    If you have performed redirections there are no major changes to make here as Google will still find them. Regarding file import & exportation you can do that if these redirections have been created from an external platform/source.

    GSC Web Core vitals

    The figures in the search console are from the CrUX report, which is built from a sample of actual visitors. Data is only collected for chrome users who have opted in to allow this to be collected, and it’s just a sample of those users.

    So if the amount of data collected falls below the threshold, you will not see any data. That doesn’t mean that you have fewer visitors, or that there’s an issue with your web vital metrics.

    Hope this clarifies your questions here. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you got any other queries.

    We really look forward to helping you.

    Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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