Rank Math Affecting Page Indexing

  • Resolved Brian Abbott
    Rank Math free

    Ubersuggest service is highlighting certain URLs on my site that have robots meta tags blocked. The URLs relate to pages that show summaries of blogs on my site with a link to the blogs.

    The pages relating to the URLs do not appear in the menus. I didn’t know which plugin in WordPress was creating the pages concerned. I asked Ubersuggest Support how I find out which plugin is creating the pages and how to get the pages indexed. Here is an example of a page: https://naturalwellnesssolutions.org/2023/06/

    Ubersuggest Support suggested I check the page source to see which plugin was creating the ‘no index’ instruction. I did and discovered that it was Rank Math:

    <!– Search Engine Optimization by Rank Math – https://rankmath.com/ –>
    <title>June 2023 – Natural Wellness Solutions</title>
    <meta name=”robots” content=”follow, noindex”/>
    <meta property=”og:locale” content=”en_US” />
    <meta property=”og:type” content=”article” />
    <meta property=”og:title” content=”June 2023 – Natural Wellness Solutions” />
    <meta property=”og:url” content=”https://naturalwellnesssolutions.org/2023/06/&#8221; />
    <meta property=”og:site_name” content=”Natural Wellness Solutions” />
    <meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary_large_image” />
    <!– /Rank Math WordPress SEO plugin –>

    I ran the wizard in Rank Math again and changed some settings, which I thought would stop the ‘no-index’ creation, but it’s still there.

    How do I stop Rank Math from doing this?

    By the way, do you have any idea about which plugin might be creating the summary pages? They aren’t appearing in the site menu.

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the inconvenience you are facing with Rank Math. It seems that the pages you mentioned are being marked as noindex by Rank Math, which is causing them not to appear in search engine results.

    To stop Rank Math from adding the noindex tag to these pages, you can follow these steps:

    1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Rank Math SEO → Titles & Meta → Misc. Pages.

    2. In the Misc. Pages section, you will find the Noindex Paginated Single Pages option. Please ensure that this option is disabled to prevent the noindex tag from being added to these pages.

    NoIndex Paginated Single Pages

    If you have already tried this and the issue persists, please let us know so that we can further investigate and assist you accordingly.

    Regarding the plugin creating the summary pages, it’s possible that a theme or another plugin might be generating these pages. You may want to review your installed plugins and themes to identify the one responsible for creating these pages. If you need further assistance with this, please feel free to reach out to our support team, and we will be more than happy to help.

    If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to help!

    How to NoIndex Paginated Pages » Rank Math
    Rank Math Sitemap Issues and Their Fixes » Rank Math
    Is Your Site the Victim of Internal Site Search Spam? » Rank Math
    How to Fix Submitted URL Marked ‘NoIndex’ Error » Rank Math

    The particular setting mentioned above was not the issue, ‘Date Robots Meta’ was set to ‘no index’. I changed the latter to ‘index’ and the page source changed to ‘index’, however, Ubersuggest still highlighted the aforementioned pages as pages with blocked robots meta tags.

    I checked the page source again and found another instance of “noindex”, where Rank Math SEO is mentioned. I have copied the page source concerned below. Could this be the code that is causing the issue? If so, which other setting in Rank Math SEO needs to be changed?

    <div class=”quicklinks” id=”wp-toolbar” role=”navigation” aria-label=”Toolbar”>
    <ul id=’wp-admin-bar-root-default’ class=”ab-top-menu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wp-logo’ class=”menupop”><span class=”ab-icon” aria-hidden=”true”></span><span class=”screen-reader-text”>About WordPress</span><div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-wp-logo-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-about’>About WordPress<li id=’wp-admin-bar-contribute’>Get Involved<ul id=’wp-admin-bar-wp-logo-external’ class=”ab-sub-secondary ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wporg’>WordPress.org<li id=’wp-admin-bar-documentation’>Documentation<li id=’wp-admin-bar-learn’>Learn WordPress<li id=’wp-admin-bar-support-forums’>Support<li id=’wp-admin-bar-feedback’>Feedback</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-site-name’ class=”menupop”>Natural Wellness Solutions<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-site-name-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-dashboard’>Dashboard<ul id=’wp-admin-bar-appearance’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-themes’>Themes<li id=’wp-admin-bar-widgets’>Widgets<li id=’wp-admin-bar-menus’>Menus</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-customize’ class=”hide-if-no-customize”>Customize<li id=’wp-admin-bar-comments’><span class=”ab-icon” aria-hidden=”true”></span><span class=”ab-label awaiting-mod pending-count count-0″ aria-hidden=”true”>0</span><span class=”screen-reader-text comments-in-moderation-text”>0 Comments in moderation</span><li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-content’ class=”menupop”><span class=”ab-icon” aria-hidden=”true”></span><span class=”ab-label”>New</span><div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-new-content-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-post’>Post<li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-media’>Media<li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-page’>Page<li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-thirstylink’>Affiliate Link<li id=’wp-admin-bar-new-user’>User<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpforms’>WPForms</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math’ class=”menupop”><span class=”rank-math-icon”><svg viewBox=”0 0 462.03 462.03″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&#8221; width=”20″><g><path d=”m462 234.84-76.17 3.43 13.43 21-127 81.18-126-52.93-146.26 60.97 10.14 24.34 136.1-56.71 128.57 54 138.69-88.61 13.43 21z”/><path d=”m54.1 312.78 92.18-38.41 4.49 1.89v-54.58h-96.67zm210.9-223.57v235.05l7.26 3 89.43-57.05v-181zm-105.44 190.79 96.67 40.62v-165.19h-96.67z”/></g></svg></span><span class=”rank-math-text”>Rank Math SEO</span><div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-dashboard’>Dashboard<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-analytics’>Analytics<span class=”rm-menu-new update-plugins” style=”background: #ed5e5e;margin-left: 5px;min-width: 10px;height: 10px;margin-bottom: -1px;display: inline-block;border-radius: 5px;”><span class=”plugin-count”></span></span><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-date’>SEO Settings for Date Archives<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-404-monitor’>404 Monitor<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-page’ class=”menupop”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>Content AI<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-page-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-tools’>AI Tools<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-editor’>Content Editor<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-chat’>Chat<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-content-ai-history’>History</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-redirections’ class=”menupop”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>Redirections<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-redirections-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-redirections-edit’>Manage Redirections<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-redirections-settings’>Redirection Settings<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-redirections-redirect-me’>» Redirect this page</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-mark-me’ class=”menupop”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>Mark this page<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-mark-me-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-index’ class=”mark-page-as”>As NoIndex<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-follow’ class=”mark-page-as”>As NoFollow</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-third-party’ class=”menupop”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>External Tools<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-third-party-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-pagespeed’>Google PageSpeed<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-mobilefriendly’>Google Mobile-Friendly<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-richresults-mobile’>Google Rich Results (Mobile)<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-richresults-desktop’>Google Rich Results (Desktop)<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-google-cache’>Google Cache<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-fb-debugger’>Facebook Debugger</div></div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info’ class=”menupop wpcode-admin-bar-info menupop”>WPCode<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-description’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu wpcode-admin-bar-description”><div class=”ab-item ab-empty-item”>Loaded on this page</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-global-scripts’ class=”menupop wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>Global Scripts (0)<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-global-scripts-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-global-header’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Global Header (0)<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-global-body’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Global Body (0)<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-global-footer’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Global Footer (0)</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-loaded-on-this-page’ class=”menupop wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”><span class=”wp-admin-bar-arrow” aria-hidden=”true”></span>Code Snippets<div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-loaded-on-this-page-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info-replace’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”><div class=”ab-item ab-empty-item”></div></div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info-add-new’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu wpcode-admin-bar-info-separator-top”>+ Add Snippet<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info-settings’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Settings<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-admin-bar-info-help’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Help Docs<li id=’wp-admin-bar-wpcode-upgrade’ class=”wpcode-admin-bar-info-submenu”>Upgrade to Pro</div><li id=’wp-admin-bar-ilj’ class=”menupop”><span class=”ilj_icon” aria-hidden=”true”></span><div class=”ab-sub-wrapper”><ul id=’wp-admin-bar-ilj-default’ class=”ab-submenu”><li id=’wp-admin-bar-ilj-status’><div class=”ab-item ab-empty-item”><div class=”ilj-build-title”>Status: <span id=”ilj_batch_status”>Build complete</span></div></div>
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    It is a pretty common mistake to open the page source and search for a noindex tag to see if the page is marked as noindex or not.

    However, Rank Math offers a No Index option in the admin menu bar, which could show up in the page’s source code when logged in like the codes you have shared.

    Mark this page

    Please note that the actual noindex tag is added like this:

    <meta robots="noindex">

    To ensure that your post/page is set to index, you should refer to this section in your page’s source code:


    Hope that helps.

    Regarding your last reply, “However, Rank Math offers a No Index option in the admin menu bar…”. I know, but I don’t require this facility, I require the page to be indexed. If you read my previous message, you will see that the page is already marked as index (the code, that is). However, Ubersuggest was still telling me that the page’s robot meta was being blocked. I mentioned this and also informed you that in the code I supplied you (near the bottom) there was mention of “noindex”, which I made bold.

    You mentioned, “Please note that the actual noindex tag is added like this:

    <meta robots=”noindex”>”. I know. I have already shown you this in the code I sent you. Why are you telling me this?

    You mentioned, “To ensure that your post/page is set to index, you should refer to this section in your page’s source code:…”. I know. I don’t understand why you have mentioned this when it is obvious that I know this.

    Please re-read my previous message properly, because you appear to have misunderstood it.


    Apologies for the confusion earlier,

    The URLs relate to pages that show summaries of blogs on my site with a link to the blogs.

    By the way, do you have any idea about which plugin might be creating the summary pages? They aren’t appearing in the site menu.

    There are various types of WordPress pages, and one of these is the archive page. The archive page displays a list of posts organized by date, category, or tag. Organizing your content with archive pages makes it easy for readers to find what they’re looking for. If you regularly publish many posts, archive pages can make it easier for users to find the articles they’re looking for without navigating through a long list of posts.

    Note that archive pages usually served thin content that resulted in a soft 404 and we usually suggest that they should be set to noindex.

    Here is an example of a page: https://naturalwellnesssolutions.org/2023/06/

    The URL you shared is the date archive page of your posts. Date Archives are pages that WordPress creates, organizing your content by the dates they were published. Date Archives are useful only in certain situations, and on most websites, they should be disabled.

    Another example of an archive page is https://naturalwellnesssolutions.org/category/essential-oils/. This is a category archive page.

    To disable the date archive page completely, please navigate to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Misc Pages and click on the ‘Disable’ box.

    When you disable Date Archives, they don’t disappear from your website. They are redirected to your homepage instead.

    However, if you don’t want this behaviour, you can go ahead and enable it. We guess this is the current setting on your website.

    To set this archive page to index, please navigate to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Misc Pages and set the Date Archives Robots Meta as Index. Once done, wait for Google to crawl the URLs again and the issue should be resolved after that.

    As we mentioned, date archives are useful only in certain specific scenarios. Even if you decide to use them, you will face a duplicate content problem. To avoid that problem and to keep your crawl budget efficient, we would recommend that you noindex your date archives.

    Please check these articles for your reference:

    Hope the explanation helps to clarify the issue and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need my assistance with anything else.

    Thank you


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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