Question Inexing / Paginated Pages best settings

  • Resolved Sall
    Rank Math free


    i use actually the divi theme. I have my pages like fashion, designers etc, what are indexed and show there with the divi blog module all the posts for this categories. I show on every page 12 posts, and then the pages get paginated. The /category pages are not indexed, as they are just show a repeat of the posts what displayed already on the normal pages.

    As the paginated pages itself have no additional content, i would like to know, what would be the best setting, also disable indexing of the paginated pages ? Would all Posts be still indexed ?

    please let me know, what are the recommended settings.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Sall.
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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    Yes, it would be safe to disable indexing paginated pages. Rank Math will also add the follow tag to those pages but just in case, check the source code it is added. It is important because Google should follow those pages, even if they are not being indexed, to find and reach older posts.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    Hello Alberto,

    thank you for your reply. I will do the setup on my password protected dev page first. Would it be possible then, that I ping you to have a short look over the config?

    best regards

    Rank Math business


    Of course, just let us know here and we will be happy to check it.

    Looking forward to help you.

    Rank Math free


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. The page is my development page, so the indexing is disabled. Can you please check if the settings would be sufficient or if I should change something in your opinion when overtaking the settings to my Prod Page?

    Thanks a lot!

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Sall.
    Rank Math free


    did you get the chance to check?

    Best regards


    You don’t seem to have set your paginated pages to noindex, I did this by heading to Rank math > Titles & Meta > Misc Pages and enabled the option to noindex paginated pages.

    Other settings seem to be fine and there should be no issue.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hello Michael,

    thanks a lot for your reply. The Next Setting Noindex Archive Subpages should be disabled, or? What would be the issue when enabled?

    Thanks a lot!

    Best regards

    Rank Math business


    That option is to set as no-index the next pages in a category, tag, and so on. It is usually recommended to no-index them but it is also recommended to set them with a follow meta tag so Google is able to find all the old posts in that category/tag.

    Luckily, with that option Rank Math does both: set them as no-index and as follow.

    Looking forward to help you.

    Rank Math free


    thank you for the information. To be on the safe side and be sure all Posts get indexed Noindex Archive Subpages should be disabled right?

    Best regards

    Rank Math free


    when I spider my dev page and prod page there is a huge difference in Results with recognised urls. I took out the noindex paginated pages option under misc, but I still get the same results.

    Prod Homepage Yoast: 3606 Urls
    Prod Designers Yoast: 947 Urls

    Dev Homepage Rankmath: 27 Urls
    Dev Designers Rankmath: 20 Urls

    I have on Dev 482 Posts, so the results cannot be correct. Can you please let me know, why there is this big difference. What can be the issue, how can I fix this?

    When switching over to prod, i need to be 100% sure that all Posts and Pages are indexed correctly.

    Best regards

    Rank Math free


    I did now a recovery of the website and installed rank math complete new again. I did the same settings like before again and spidered the Homepage /Designers Page again.

    Now the results seem ok, for me and are almost similar to Yoast:

    Dev Homepage: 3509 Urls

    Dev Designers Page: 792 Urls

    There is a light difference still, where can this come from?

    Hi Sally,

    It could be due to the settings. To be honest, I am not sure from your screenshot as it only shows a HTTP status which doesn’t have much to do with Rank Math or any other SEO plugin.

    The thing you should be checking is index and noindex tag.

    Please check the page source of the URLs in questions. Check if there is a “noindex” robots tag in there.

    Then, determine if it is a post, a page, a category, or a tag archive.

    Once you determine what type of URLs are set to index, check their settings at WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta.

    Check each tab and ensure the settings are what you want them to be.

    Do note that sometimes it is good to have certain links set as noindex. This is true, especially for the “Misc. Pages”, “Authors”, and “Tags”. Ideally, you don’t want them to be indexable because that might create duplicate content issues and dilute down your website’s authority.

    If the pages set as noindex are amongst the pages I mentioned above; you can ignore them or make them indexable using the provided options.

    If you see noindex only on individual pages or posts, you can check the Advanced Tab of that post/page and select the “Index” option:

    I hope that helps, and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Hello Uzair,

    thanks for the Update! I will recheck all settings.

    Best regards

    Hi Sally,

    Please follow the guidelines carefully and if you have any further question(s), please let us know.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free


    Thank you for the recommendation! Checked now all the settings, and they work yet perfect!

    Best regards

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