Power words German

  • Resolved Stefanie Ihlenburg
    Rank Math free

    Hi, I’m using RankMath for my webshop, which is in German. It works fine, however it seems RankMath does not recognize all power words, or maybe I’m doing something wrong. I have a list of German power words from a writing school. RankMath suggests adding a power word to the title (title readability) but most words from the list that would be suitable for my title are not recognized. Even when I add one to the title, RankMaths keeps telling me I didn’t use one. The same happens when I translate a power word from your suggestions. Is this a case of “lost in translation” or am I doing something wrong? If it’s about translation, do you have a list of German power words that should work with/are recognized by RankMath? Thank you in advance! Stefanie

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