og:title meta tag malformed

  • Resolved Cameron Knowlton
    Rank Math free

    The og:title meta tag is slightly malformed, and LinkedIn is not accepting it as their default title in their postings. I imagine other OpenGraph feeders will be equally confused.

    The og:title meta tag that RankMath produces is:
    <meta property=”og:title” content=”My Custom Title”>

    RankMath *should* be generating the meta tag with the name=”title” attribute:
    <meta name=”title” property=”og:title” content=”My Custom Title”>

    RankMath’s generated meta tag is missing its essential name (all good meta tags need a name). LinkedIn states (correctly) that it’s specifically looking for a properly formed meta tag:

    From LinkedIn’s Post Inspector: https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/ :
    How to change the title
    Provide a metadata tag for the og:title in the page’s head section. For example:
    <meta name=”title” property=”og:title” content=”[Content title here]”>

    It would be super awesome for all your users if you could adapt RankMath to include the meta name attribute.

    Thanks, and happy new year!

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