“noindex tag” issue

  • Resolved irfan alam
    Rank Math free

    I have a noindex tag issue in my search console. I have checked everything in the rank math seo. But I did not find anything. Then I checked my homepage source code. I found this code “#noindex’>As NoIndex<li id=’wp-admin-bar-rank-math-no-follow”

    How can I fix it?

    I have checked everything that your support told me. But there I did not find any noindex tag. all post, page tag is index also meta tag is index.

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  • Hello,

    I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re facing with the noindex tag in your search console. It seems like you’ve already checked the Rank Math SEO settings and didn’t find any issues there. However, you mentioned finding a code snippet in your homepage’s source code.

    To fix this issue, you’ll need to remove the noindex tag from your homepage’s source code. The code snippet you found seems to be adding a noindex tag to your homepage.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you fix this issue:

    1. Access your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the homepage editor.
    2. Look for any added code that includes the noindex tag and remove it.
    3. Save the changes and refresh your website to ensure the noindex tag has been removed.

    If you need further assistance with this, please feel free to assign this ticket to a human agent using the available buttons, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue for you.

    Fix Excluded by NoIndex Tag – Google Search Console Status » Rank Math
    Why Google Hasn’t Indexed Your Post, Page, and/or Website? » Rank Math
    How to Fix Submitted URL Marked ‘NoIndex’ Error » Rank Math
    Analyzing Your Site’s SEO with Rank Math’s SEO Analysis Tool


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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