No total key words showing in overview

  • Resolved Johnny Clingham
    Rank Math free

    My rank math over view shows no key words is this normal?
    Have I got something configured wrong?
    I have normal WordPress pages created and published using Elementor.
    I am using post types from jet engine to create a lot of the content.

    image here

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  • Anas
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    This section shows the Analytics overview:
    1. Connect or Reconnect Google:
    2. Delete old data and add again:
    3. If it doesn’t work, share the system information from Rank Math > Status & Tools > System Status

    I hope this helps. Looking forward to helping you.

    Johnny Clingham
    Rank Math free

    I am still getting the same results

    I have completed steps one and two

    ### rank-math ###
    version: 1.0.60
    database_version: 1
    plugin_plan: Free
    active_modules: seo-analysis, sitemap, rich-snippet, role-manager, local-seo, image-seo, link-counter, analytics, 404-monitor, amp, instant-indexing
    refresh_token: Token exists
    	AdSense: Not Given
    	Analytics: Given
    	Search Console: Given
    rank_math_404_logs: Created
    rank_math_redirections: Created
    rank_math_redirections_cache: Created
    rank_math_internal_links: Created
    rank_math_internal_meta: Created
    rank_math_analytics_gsc: Created
    rank_math_analytics_objects: Created
    ### wp-core ###
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    user_registration: 0
    blog_public: 1
    default_comment_status: closed
    environment_type: production
    user_count: 7
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Astra Child (astra-child)
    author: Brainstorm Force
    parent_theme: Astra (astra)
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, astra_hooks, align-wide, automatic-feed-links, title-tag, post-thumbnails, html5, post-formats, custom-logo, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, editor-style, woocommerce, amp, widgets, menus
    theme_path: /home/sthelen7/public_html/wp-content/themes/astra-child
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-parent-theme ###
    name: Astra (astra)
    version: 3.1.2 (latest version: 3.2.0)
    author: Brainstorm Force
    theme_path: /home/sthelen7/public_html/wp-content/themes/astra
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###
    Elementor Safe Mode: version: 1.0.0, author:
    ### wp-plugins-active (22) ###
    Anti-Spam by CleanTalk: version: 5.153.7, author: СleanTalk <w******@c************> (latest version: 5.154), Auto-updates disabled
    Change WordPress Login Logo: version: 1.1.6, author: Boopathi Rajan, Auto-updates disabled
    Crocoblock Wizard: version: 1.0.1, author: Crocoblock, Auto-updates disabled
    Duplicate Page: version: 4.3, author: mndpsingh287 (latest version: 4.4), Auto-updates disabled
    Elementor: version: 3.1.4, author:, Auto-updates disabled
    Elementor Pro: version: 3.1.1, author:, Auto-updates disabled
    Emage Hover Effects for Elementor: version: 4.2.0, author: Blocksera, Auto-updates disabled
    JetBlocks For Elementor: version: 1.2.8, author: Crocoblock, Auto-updates disabled
    JetElements For Elementor: version: 2.5.5, author: Crocoblock, Auto-updates disabled
    JetEngine: version: 2.7.3, author: Crocoblock, Auto-updates disabled
    JetTabs For Elementor: version: 2.1.12, author: Crocoblock, Auto-updates disabled
    MonsterInsights - Page Insights Addon: version: 1.3.3, author: MonsterInsights Team, Auto-updates disabled
    MonsterInsights Pro: version: 7.16.2, author: MonsterInsights, Auto-updates disabled
    Rank Math SEO: version: 1.0.60, author: Rank Math, Auto-updates enabled
    Simple History: version: 2.41.2, author: Pär Thernström, Auto-updates disabled
    TranslatePress - Extra Languages Add-on: version: 1.0.1, author: Cozmoslabs, Razvan Mocanu, Auto-updates disabled
    TranslatePress - Multilingual: version: 1.9.6, author: Cozmoslabs, Razvan Mocanu, Madalin Ungureanu, Cristophor Hurduban, Auto-updates disabled
    TranslatePress - SEO Pack Add-on: version: 1.3.7, author: Cozmoslabs, Razvan Mocanu, Auto-updates disabled
    Wordfence Security: version: 7.4.14, author: Wordfence, Auto-updates disabled
    WP Change Default From Email: version: 1.1.2, author: Subodh Ghulaxe, Auto-updates disabled
    WPS Hide Login: version: 1.8.5, author: WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation, Auto-updates disabled
    YYDevelopment - Tag Manager - Header, Body And Footer: version: 2.1.0, author: YYDevelopment, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.26.7.el7.x86_64 x86_64
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    ### wp-database ###
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    client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.15
    ### wp-constants ###
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    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8mb4
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    mu-plugins: writable
    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply and we’re sorry for the unfortunate delay.

    Could you please confirm if you have keywords that are Ranking on Google search results, as the Total Keywords section only displays the ranking keywords?

    If yes, then we might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your Website’s URL, WordPress & FTP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:

    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We really look forward to helping you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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