My website does not show up and i cannot toggle enable.

  • Resolved dreddz123
    Rank Math free

    Hi, I have an issue finding my website on the analytics page during set up, i have followed instructions provided by the chat bot, see below. and i have just cleared my cache and cookies and h=not had any success. please could i get some assistance.

    What can I help you with?

    Hi, my website will not show up on my set up under Analytics> Search Console.
    Bot Avatar

    To connect your website to Google Search Console in Rank Math, please follow these steps:

    Go to Rank Math SEO → General Settings → Analytics in your WordPress dashboard.
    If you haven’t already connected your website with a Google account, you will be prompted to do so. Click the Connect Google Services button.
    Provide the necessary permissions that Rank Math has requested and choose Continue.
    Once your website is connected to a Google account, you will be redirected back to the Analytics settings. In the Search Console option, you should see that Rank Math has created a property for your website and chosen the property from the Site drop-down list.
    If you are unable to see your website listed under the Site drop-down list in the Search Console section, ensure that you have followed all the steps correctly. If the issue persists, you can try switching to a Chromium-based browser like Google Chrome and navigate to Rank Math SEO → General Settings → Analytics to toggle on the Enable the Index Status tab option.

    If you continue to experience difficulties, please reach out to Rank Math’s support team for further assistance.


    I have carried out the above but still have no capability to select my website or toggle the enable index
    Bot Avatar

    To troubleshoot the issue of not being able to select your website or toggle the “Enable the Index Status tab” option in Rank Math, you can follow these steps:

    Clear Cache: Start by clearing your browser cache and cookies to ensure that you are loading the latest version of the page.

    Check Browser Compatibility: If the “Enable the Index Status tab” option is unclickable, switch to a Chromium-based browser like Google Chrome. Sometimes, certain features may not work as expected in other browsers.

    Revisit Analytics Settings: Go back to Rank Math SEO → General Settings → Analytics and ensure that you have connected your website with a Google account successfully. Make sure you have provided all the necessary permissions requested by Rank Math.

    Verify Rank Math Account: If prompted, create a free Rank Math account before connecting your website with Google Account services. This step is essential for proper integration.

    Check PRO Features: If you are a Rank Math PRO user, ensure that you have selected the correct target country in the Search Console section. This option is only available for PRO users.

    Refresh Page: After making any changes or adjustments, refresh the page to see if the issue persists.

    If after following these steps you are still unable to select your website or toggle the enable index option, please reach out to Rank Math support for further assistance by opening a new support ticket here.


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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math support.

    First of all, check to make sure that you have a verified Google Search Console and Google Analytics properties, if not follow the attached link to create one.

    If you already have verified properties and you’re still unable to connect them – then follow these steps

    1) Remove Rank Math’s access from Google Please remove RankMath’s app from your Google apps permissions:


    2) Re-connect to regenerate the auth token from Google

    After that, reconnect the Google account again to regenerate the auth token from Google, by going to WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > Analytics and configure the Search Console and Analytics settings again:


    3) Grant all necessary permissions

    Kindly check all necessary checkboxes to allow Rank Math to access some of the Google Services. Please check my screenshot below for reference:


    4) Follow the instructions to sign in with your Google account and allow Rank Math to access your data.

    You can also refer to this guide for more details:

    We hope this resolves the issue for you. Looking forward to helping you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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