my search console cache data set keeps fetching for long, pls help

  • Resolved Ola Ade
    Rank Math free

    i am trying to do search console settings, but, the update manually is still saying fetching in progress, its very frustrating, and also secondly, pls how do i efectively make sure my site is indexed by google
    thirdly, what should i do to robot.txt file, i dont know what should be done to that

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Ola Ade.
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  • Pls, I need rankmaths scripts to run.. thank you…

    Can u pls send me the php Cron scripts for rankmaths schedules

    Hi Ola,

    Apologies for the frustration.

    Rank Math makes use of the following cron event rank_math/search_console/get_analytics which you can schedule to perform the update.

    I hope this info helps. Thank you.

    Pls, how do I schedule it.. I have little knowledge of Cron scripts… If I can know what code to use, I will be good to go, I don’t know how to schedule that Cron events…

    Hi Ola,

    Thanks for the follow up.

    Here is some code that you can use to add a cron event to run once daily. The code should go to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_action( 'rank_math/search_console/get_analytics', 'add_my_day_crawler' );
    function add_my_day_crawler() {
    		$crawler = new Data_Fetcher;
    		$start   = Helper::get_midnight( time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS );
    		$crawler->push_to_queue( date( 'Y-m-d', $start - ( DAY_IN_SECONDS * 2 ) ) );

    This is the same logic that Rank Math uses to schedule the cron events.

    I hope this info helps. Thank you.

    thanks, i am waiting for a day to see if it works.. i honestly appreciate you guys….. rankmaths is really a wonderful plugin.. dont close yet pls.. lets see after a day if it works

    And also, can I use this function to schedule other Cron jobs

    also,after adding this code to functions.php, should i do anything extra or what is the next step…thanks

    I added this exact code yesternight, so an waiting for a day to see if works for me

    Hi Ola,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    No this code cannot be used to schedule other cron jobs, this is just a duplicate of the code that is embedded on the Rank Math plugin.
    Let us know if this works.

    Thank you.

    It’s still fetching… It’s saying fetching in progress. It’s hasn’t changed

    Hi Ola,

    Thank you for the response.

    I believe that the issue is related to your environment.
    I can suggest that you clone your site to another server and test this out. My previous investigation on your site show that your host is blocking the cron events and they are in a better position to fix this.

    I hope this info helps. Thank you.

    Thanks,Allah have enabled be to resolve the issue, thanks so much for your help throughout..

    Hi Ola,

    This is great news! I am glad that this is now resolved 🙂

    Feel free to contact us should any other issues come up. Thank you.

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