Instant indexing for Google uses 2 quotas when post is auto-published or edited

  • Resolved Cekome
    Rank Math free

    Hi, I encounter a strange behavior on the Instant indexing for Google plugin when it is installed WITH the Rank Math plugin.

    Here are the use cases :

    – INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE + RANK MATH (auto-publish or editing post) : 2 Quotas
    – INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE + RANK MATH (manual publish) : 1 Quotas
    – (only) INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE (auto-publish or editing post) : 1 Quotas

    This is a wordpress 5.8.3 without any other plugins and with the basic theme ‘Twenty Twenty-One’.

    I also tried to deactivate IndexNow’s auto-indexing leaving only Google’s (thinking about a ‘double’ call) but no!
    As soon as google indexing is active and RANK MATH plugin is installed, I have a double call to google indexing on auto-post and post editing.

    Do you have an idea about this problem?

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Our plugin will try to submit the page to Google every time it’s changed or saved and in WordPress when you add a new page the system automatically saves the page and runs the update routine on the post.

    This happens in a matter of milliseconds but our plugin detects both calls and submits the URL.

    There is absolutely no issue with this since the quota from Google is updated every single day and it can be increased freely if you reach the limit.

    If you don’t like this automatic behavior the best course of action would be to revert to manually submitting the pages.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    Thank you for your answer but I don’t think it really corresponds to the problem I’m having ^^

    First, I would be very (very) interested to know how can “freely” increase Google’s quota.

    Because on the Google console of the indexing API it is indeed possible to increase the quota, but only by submitting a request to google with the objective of this increase which must then be studied and correspond to the usecases allowed by google (only jobposting or livestream).

    secondly, my problem appears ONLY when the RANKMATH plugin AND the INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE plugin are active.

    – If I only have the INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE plugin active, then only 1 Google quota is used.
    (1 posting = 1 quota, 1 editing = 1 quota).

    – But if I activate the RANK MATH plugin, then the Google quota is doubled for each operation.
    (1 posting = 2 quota, 1 editing = 2 quota).

    There clearly seems to be 2 successive calls to the google indexing functions, 1 initiated by the RANK MATH plugin and a other 1 initiated by the INSTANT INDEXING FOR GOOGLE plugin.

    And as for manual indexing, this will be difficult because I want to install this on all of our client sites (>1000), we are webagency.

    I want to automate this operation, especially for the scheduled posts.

    Rank Math business


    I tested the publishing a post on my own setup and encountered the same issue as shown in the screencast:

    I have asked asked a developer to look into this. In the mean time, could you please check your Google Cloud indexing API dashboard ( and verify that the number of requests shown correspond to the number you have made in the last hour. (You may need to do a test publish for this) Screenshot:

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    Indeed your demonstration corresponds completely to my case. 😉

    As for the number of queries in the Google Dashboard, that’s another issue…

    Indeed I did several tests (up to the limits) and in particular with 2 different sites which use the same json key for the configuration of the google indexing API.

    having already done tests yesterday, today I have inconsistent values ​​between all the parts :

    – On Dashboard Google
    + (Tab)METRICS >> (Column)METHODS >> google.indexing.v3.UrlService.PublishUrlNotification : 284 Demandes
    + (Tab)QUOTAS >> (Line)Publish requests per day : 204 Current Use

    – On Dashboard WordPress >> Instant Indexing >> Console
    + Site 1 : PublishRequestsPerDayPerProject = 65 / 200
    + Site 2 : PublishRequestsPerDayPerProject = 149 / 200

    >> As for the Google dashboard, I think the difference between the 2 values ​​corresponds to different time ranges for the calculation of the two values.

    >> On the other hand, I do not understand why the INSTANT INDEXING plugin does not return the same value on each site.

    Is it not possible to retrieve the used quota value directly FROM Google ?

    It seems that the remaining usage quota is “hardcoded” and is decremented each time, but without considering the possibility of using the same api key on multiple sites.

    Is it possible??


    I am one of the developers working on Rank Math, and I could replicate the issue. I have taken note of it, and we will get it fixed in a future update for the Instant Indexing plugin. For now, I can only recommend turning off the auto-submit functionality, or simply ignoring this issue, as it shouldn’t cause any problem as long as you don’t reach your quota limit.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to fetch the quota limit number directly from Google, because they don’t offer an API endpoint for that. That is why the limits are hardcoded, however, there are a couple of filter hooks to change the limits yourself, with a little bit of custom code:

    $limit_publishperday = apply_filters( 'rank_math/indexing_api/limit_publishperday', 200 );
    $limit_permin        = apply_filters( 'rank_math/indexing_api/limit_perminute', 600 );
    $limit_metapermin    = apply_filters( 'rank_math/indexing_api/limit_metaperminute', 180 );
    $limit_bingsubmitperday = apply_filters( 'rank_math/indexing_api/limit_bing_submitperday', 10 );

    You can use the rank_math/indexing_api/limit_publishperday, rank_math/indexing_api/limit_perminute & rank_math/indexing_api/limit_metaperminute filter hooks to change the Google API limits according to your needs.

    Hope that helps.

    Rank Math free

    Thank you very much to the whole team for your reactivity!

    If I can also submit a possible “a little” code modification
    (…I am currently trying to overload the plugin in order to modify its behavior … ^^)

    The idea being to be able to load several Google JSON Keys (each service account being a service account on a different project and all of these user accounts having been added to myBusiness as the owner)

    So that if the maximum quota of 200 is used the plugin automatically switches to the second, the third, etc…
    NOTE : for the change of JSON it is necessary to take into account the error return of Google because in my case the quota is shared between several hundred websites!
    NOTE2 : The last ‘good’ JSON being automatically taken by default for the next ones.

    This then makes it possible to increase the maximum number of possible indexing requests per day by 200, 400, 600 etc…

    … Or at least add hooks in the right places (it will be cleaner than a class overload !)

    Anyway, thank you for your support;)


    Thank you for your suggestion. I have taken note of it, and we will see what can be done in this regard. For now, if you run out of the quota, you will either have to request a quota increase from Google, or find some other way to override the JSON key in the plugin.

    If there’s anything else, please let us know. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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