Images Included in post-sitemap.xml but missing from page-sitemap.xml

  • Resolved Andy
    Rank Math free

    When I check the source of our post-sitemap.xml, I can see the images (about 1,074). However, images are missing from the page-sitemap.xml.

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  • Hello,

    I’m sorry to hear that you are facing an issue with the images missing from the page-sitemap.xml. The reason images are included in the post-sitemap.xml but not in the page-sitemap.xml is that the page-sitemap.xml specifically contains the URLs to every page on your site, while the post-sitemap.xml contains the URLs of every post on your site.

    If you wish to include images in the page-sitemap.xml, you can use custom fields in your pages with image URLs. By entering the custom field names with image URLs in the Image Custom Fields section in Rank Math, you can include those images in the sitemap.

    Here is an example of how you can include custom fields with image URLs in your posts:

    image custom fields in posts sitemap

    If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to ask. Thank you for raising this concern!

    What Are the SEO Benefits of Sitemaps? » Rank Math
    Why Isn’t My URL Included in the Sitemap? » Rank Math
    How to Configure Sitemaps in Rank Math – Best Settings and Tips


    Thank you for your patience.

    Our plugin’s sitemap only includes the images that are part of the post_content.

    Upon checking your pages, some of them do not have any images at all, and the others are added as background images.

    Background images are added using CSS, not as the actual images, and that’s why they are ignored by the SEO plugins and search engines.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    Got it. Thank you!

    You’re welcome.

    We are super happy that we have addressed your concern. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.
    If it isn’t too much to ask for – would you mind leaving us a review here?

    It only takes a few minutes but makes a huge difference.

    It would mean so much to us and would go a really long way.

    Thank you.

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