How To Make Google Analytics GDPR-Compliant (No Consent Required)

  • Resolved Oliver
    Rank Math free

    Hi everybody,

    First of all I want to thank you for your great plugin. I am very satisfied. I switched from Yoast to Rankmath and have not regretted it for a minute. Thank you very much.

    Two questions about Google Analytics GDPR Compliant-Installation:

    1. How long does the fingerprint remain valid? When does it renew itself?
    2. If a user does not want to be tracked, how can I offer the user an opt-out (e.g. as with Matomo)?

    Best regards

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    1. There’s no fingerprint or anything being stored. We generate the client ID on the fly when the user visits the page and since it’s not stored anywhere it is automatically destroyed when the user leaves that page.

    2. We don’t offer the possibility of opting out. In fact, that feature needs to be implemented from the Analytics side as it is with Matomo. We only import the data from Google Analytics.

    But you can put your clients at rest because with the GDPR compliance no identifiable information is gathered or saved anywhere.

    Hope this helps clarify your doubts.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.​​


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    Thank you.

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