Filter to change Facebook/Twitter Titles

  • Wooorooo
    Rank Math free

    Hi, I have this php snippet to modify SEO title for certain posts. Is there a way to modify only Facebook/Twitter titles the same way, not SEO titles?

    add_filter('rank_math/frontend/title', function ($title) {
        global $post;
        // Check if $post is not null and is a valid WP_Post object
        if (!is_a($post, 'WP_Post')) {
            return $title; // Return original title if $post is not valid
        // Check if the current page is a single post and belongs to a specific category
        if (is_single() && has_category('videos', $post)) {
            // Modify the title to prepend "VIDEO: "
            $title = $title . "  [Video]";
        return $title;
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