duck duck go

  • Resolved Gianluca Cottino
    Rank Math free

    Hi there. Just a quick question. I might be doing something wrong but I cant seem to get the SEO to work across all search engines. The standard ones are fine, but for the duck duck go search engine the meta description won’t apply.

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  • It dosent appear to work with microsoft edges bing either,


    Thank you for contacting the support, and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Can you please share the affected URL with us in the Sensitive Data section so we can further check it on our end?

    Looking forward to helping you on this one.

    Hey Jeremy, for sure.
    Domain is

    Thanks heaps,


    I checked your website URL in both Bing and Duck Duck Go and only the homepage is indexed as you can see in my screenshots here:

    duck duck go


    Checking it in Google shows most of your pages. If a URL is on Google, then there is technically no reason for it to not be included in Bing or in Duck Duck Go, unless these search engines have some reason to not index a page like DMCA, copyright content, nulled content, copied content, etc.

    In this case, it is best to contact Bing/Duck Duck Go support as they will be able to provide better feedback about the situation.

    From what we can see from our side there’s nothing preventing your website from being indexed in these search engines.

    Let us how it goes. We are looking forward to helping you with this one.

    Ah my apologies, I was referring to the snippet. The snippet works on google but not on the other engines.


    Can you please share some screenshots of the snippets you are referring to? You may upload it to this tool and share the URL here.

    Looking forward to helping you on this one.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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