
  • Resolved amit singh
    Rank Math free


    I have enabled the breadcrumb and I cant see the category in it. I found an article that details how to do it. So, I figure I need to enable primary taxonomy as a category and I am set.

    I already have closed to 600 articles, I cant set the primary term after the fact. So, my question is. What happens when there is no primary term set? does the breadcrumb work ? What’s the behaviour like?

    best Regards

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  • Is there a way to automate the process and update the primary term by automating it somehow ? Also, if I have parent child category and I leave the primary term as is to parent category which is default I assume. Is there any negative seo impact ?


    Thank you for contacting the support, and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    What happens when there is no primary term set? does the breadcrumb work ? What’s the behaviour like?

    Rank Math is selecting the primary term automatically. But if there is no primary term set or this option is set to “none” for your post/s, the category will not appear on the breadcrumbs.

    Is there a way to automate the process and update the primary term by automating it somehow ? Also, if I have parent child category and I leave the primary term as is to parent category which is default I assume. Is there any negative seo impact ?

    Rank Math will automatically set the primary term when you create a post with multiple categories, even to old posts. If you wish to update it using a filter, Rank Math has a lot of filters to customize the breadcrumbs behaviour as you want. I will share with you a link to the filter I think you will find useful:

    Setting a primary term for your content will not surely affect your SEO.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    “Setting a primary term for your content will not surely affect your SEO.”

    Does this has any effect SEO-wise or not? Could you please make a rather simple statement?

    best Regards

    Also, so there is no confusion. Which specific filter should I use to set the primary term if I have parent-child category. In jsut parent category, I have no issues.Because, I assume that category will become primary term and has no impact.

    So to get this done for parent-child which specific filter should I use ?

    Best Regards


    Sorry for the delay and any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Setting a term primary will not have any effect on your site’s SEO. However, for the breadcrumbs, you just need to select the Primary Taxonomy to display the categories.

    To select primary taxonomy, please navigate to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Posts and select categories as Primary Taxonomy. You don’t need to go to each of your posts and select a primary term in order to display them in breadcrumbs.

    In the case of the subcategories, you will need to select the category that you want to display in the breadcrumbs as the primary term.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    Makes sense. THank you :). As long as It has not side effect on seo. I am good, because. What I have noticed is, If i DOnt select primary term and if here is parent child category then always parent category is chosen as the primary term, in that case , the child category is not showing in the breadcrum. The breadcrum works if , primary term is child category, then you get the url as home >> parents >> child >> Post Title. WHich is exactly the correct structure. If i dont select the child as primary term then I get Home >> parent >> Post Title.

    because there is a difference in output. I was worried if it affects the seo in anyway. But If it doesnt, I am happy to not worry too much about it.

    Best Regards


    We are glad that we were able to address your concerns.

    Can you please confirm if your issue is resolved or do you have any other questions regarding this?

    We really look forward to hearing from you.

    It can be resolved. thanks


    Glad that helped.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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