Book Schema Missing Important Fields

  • Artem Rev
    Rank Math free


    I’ve been using RankMath for a long time and it’s amazing. I’ve also been using the review schema on my book review posts.

    It was all fine until a few weeks ago, when all of my review schema clicks completely dropped off from Google search console.

    After checking the book review schema with the markup validator, there are several missing fields, which I am pretty certain were there before.

    I am adding the link to the google’s schema validator which also has my site’s page on it.

    I am seeing that it is missing important fields such as:
    book author, book name as an itemType, edition, ISBN (not that important). But the first few are vital.

    P.S.: All of those fields are filled into the schema on the post.

    I think this is a bug.

    Please advise.

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  • Hello,

    I apologize for the inconvenience you are facing with the missing fields in your Book Schema markup. Thank you for providing detailed information about the missing fields and sharing the link to Google’s schema validator with your site’s page.

    Based on the information you provided, it seems like there might be an issue with how the Book Schema is being generated or displayed on your posts. To address this concern, I recommend checking the configuration of the Book Schema in Rank Math to ensure that all necessary fields such as book author, book name, edition, and ISBN are correctly filled in.

    To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

    1. Edit the post with the Book Schema.
    2. Navigate to the Schema tab in Rank Math SEO.
    3. Click on Schema Generator.
    4. Ensure that all required fields like book author, book name, edition, and ISBN are correctly filled in.

    If you encounter any difficulties or if the issue persists after checking and updating the fields, please reply to this ticket. A human agent from our support team will further investigate and assist you in resolving this matter.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we work to address this issue promptly.

    Warm regards.

    Configuring “Schema Markup” in Rank Math » Rank Math
    Book Schema Type » Rank Math
    Google Search Console Missing Field Warning » Rank Math
    Book Schema Type » Rank Math
    How to Earn Star Ratings in SERPs by Using Schema Markup With Rank Math? » Rank Math

    This is an automated reply from Rank Math Support Bot. Your ticket has been assigned to a human agent and we will get back to you shortly.


    Please note that according to the documentation for the Rich Results Test, the Book Schema is not a valid type, and as such won’t show results in that tool:

    However, you can use the Schema Validator tool instead to view the Book schema applied to your pages.

    You may refer to the result in the sensitive data section.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Artem Rev
    Rank Math free

    Hello Reinelle,

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

    I have a question regarding the book review schema markup and the rich results displayed on google along with their own validator.

    For example another site’s book review, in the google’s schema validator, it does display the author, itemType: book and the usual rating information as you can see here:

    How come RankMath’s added markup does not display that in google’s validator?

    Additionally, this site, on google search results shows the rich result for the review with a star rating and by whom it was reviewed, which I used to have for me own links.

    I think there might be something here, considering google’s validator is showing more data for the same schema type than my own site.

    Please advise.

    Artem Rev
    Rank Math free

    Also please see goole’s review snippet requirements:

    It requires that there is an itemReviewed type followed by it’s related information and it works on books as well.


    The page you shared contains reviews from actual users and this property is accepted in the Rich Result test.

    Rank Math’s Book schema is its own standalone schema which is currently not supported by the Rich Result Test. The reviewRating is nested to the Book schema including its author so Google should still be able to read that when indexing it on the SERP.

    Looking forward to helping you.

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