Как понять оценку моей страницы

  • Resolved Andrey Volgin
    Rank Math free

    Здравствуйте, можете объяснить почему мне показывает seo оценку 13/100 хотя я имею все зеленые поля необходимых настроек?

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  • Prabhat
    Rank Math agency


    Thank you for contacting us and we regret the inconvenience caused.

    It seems like the content analysis tests are also not displayed.

    Assuming you have a Russian installation, we had a known issue that some of the tests were not displayed on Russian installations. We’ve released a beta update with a fix for this issue.

    You can test the beta update on a staging website and see if that fixes the issue. If it does and everything seems fine, you can push it to the live website.

    If you want to update to the Beta version, you can enable the Beta update by following this guide: https://rankmath.com/kb/version-control/#beta-updates

    beta update

    If you are unable to see an update, please clear Rank Math’s transients from:
    WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools > Remove Rank Math Transients > Remove transients
    remove transients rank math

    Please clear the caches, server, and WordPress after updating.

    You can disable the Beta updates once you update to the latest version.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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