Hi Team,
I did have a ticket open else where.
I have a site ufindus.co.uk and on there it uses a theme/plugin from ListingPro – see: https://themeforest.net/item/listingpro-multipurpose-directory-theme/19386460
I need some advice and support on its compatibility with your plugin. It uses WP Bakery which I know works really well with your plugin as I have another site (poppysigns.co.uk) that uses it with no issues.
My issue with ufindus is that your plugin doesn’t pick up some of their custom changes. I would say your plugin is working at 90%. There is no conflicts, or errors when checking with the error log etc and I know your AI will ask me to check this but it doesn’t really answer my original question.
The developers of the plugin for ListingPro have refused help in making things work out of the box, and have said they don’t support any 3rd party SEO tools. What amused me is they have their own but it is only working 50% of the time as the site I have built has pages built outside of their plugin features.
The issue I am facing is that your plugin doesn’t pick up any Headings and assumes they don’t exist on some pages. This is down to the theme/plugins from ListingPro. I know they do exist but it doesn’t help when scoring pages for SEO issues/suggestions. Is this something you can help with, or is it possible to look into supporting this developer and their tools?
It be nice to have support based on their plugin having thousands of user and knowing it doesn’t support SEO plugins – which is baffling to say its a directory theme.
I have attached the issue in question:
The ticket ‘ListingPro Theme/Plugin support’ is closed to new replies.