Hi there. I already have had the strip category base set on my website.
All pages on the site generally look like this:
https://www.femalewrestlingchannel.com/angelina-edgeThis is for blog posts and pages. Products have the /shop/ inserted, but products are FINE in this particular case.
The majority of the blog posts and pages are still correct as well.
The ONLY ones I’m having issues with are where I added categories to the parent a couple of days ago. Our best page on the site SEO wise is our Women who Wrestle page here:
https://femalewrestlingchannel.com/women-who-wrestle/You will see on this page all of the ladies flowing below. I read somewhere that SEO works better if you tell Google what the pages are about by doing a hierarchy.
Thus, I set EACH of the women on that page to the parent of Women Who Wrestle.
My issue now is that the links have changed from this: (as one example:
https://www.femalewrestlingchannel.com/angelina-edgeto this:
https://femalewrestlingchannel.com/women-who-wrestle/angelina-edge/Thankfully, everything is redirecting fine. The only thing is the URL is not very “pretty” so to speak.
Everywhere else on the site is working fine as I have not set anymore parents to any other postings just yet. However, before I do, I want to make sure it’s not going to show up in the URL itself.
That’s what I’m looking to prevent happening if you know an easy way to do so.
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