WPML Advanced Translation Editor does not play nice with Elementor and Rank Math

  • Resolved WPadmin BBRI
    Rank Math free

    We are experiencing 3 issues, which we think are related.

    We are building a new site, using :
    – Elementor Pro (editor)
    – Astra Pro (theme)
    – WPML (and the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE))
    – Pods (for custom post types)
    – Oasis Workflow (for workflows)

    We chose to switch to Rank Math instead of Yoast for this site for 2 reasons: performance, and the ability to tweak the content in Elementor while seeing the SEO settings and score, without having to switch back and forth or refreshing multiple tabs. This last point drove our SEO manager crazy…

    1) When using WPML’s ATE, all content has its base language (editable in Elementor) and translations (NOT editable in Elementor). How can we optimise the SEO settings and score in the translations without falling back to WPML’s Classic Editor ? (to be avoided at all cost, since switching from Classic to ATE means trashing the translations and starting over)
    We tried bulk editing but same issue there, we don’t see the content and the score at the same time.

    2) We use user roles ‘Admin’ and ‘Webmaster’. A webmaster can do a lot, except delete content and edit themes and plugins. We allowed everything related to Rank Math for webmasters (using the Members plugin), but when they edit SEO settings in Elementor and save them, it’s all gone when coming back. Please advise how we can setup this role in order to be able to fully use Rank Math. This does work correctly for admin role.

    3) There is a difference between the SEO scores of a page (or any other content type) in Elementor and the same page in the classic page view. (I do not know how to correctly describe this view. It’s what you get when clicking ‘Edit’ on the page list overview, and not ‘Edit with Elementor’). The SEO score is always 2 or 3% higher in Elementor. This is very confusing for our content creators, since we ask them to try to have a score of at least 81% (green in Elementor), and they get 79% (orange) in the list overview.

    Thank you very much for your swift responses to these issues, our deadline is due soon.

    Kind regards,

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    1. Update score when editing translation from WPML’s Advanced Text Editor:

    This is not possible because the content analysis runs only on the posts and ATE of WPML is a completely different page.

    2. Please update the capability from Role Manager Settings for the Webmaster user role. That should fix the issue. You can do that from WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Role Manager.

    3. We’ll need more information on this point. Maybe some tests are failing in the WP Editor. It would help if you could share the content, and the focus keyword of a page so we can try and replicate the issue from our end and offer a solution.

    Are you using Shortcodes inside the content?

    If so, then there will always be a difference between WordPress & Elementor as Elementor renders Shortcodes whereas WordPress does not. That impacts the score calculation.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    WPadmin BBRI
    Rank Math free

    Hello Uzair,
    thank you for you responses, see below for our answers:

    1) do we have to conclude here that there is no way to optimise the content of a translation while keeping an eye on the SEO score, when using WPML’s ATE ?
    In that case, is it correct to assume that when we get a good score in the base language first, and then translate that content perfectly, we ‘should’ get the same score in the translation ?

    2) we did that, every checkbox was checked for the Webmaster user role. Anything else we can try ?
    Are there any specific capabilities that do not have ‘Rank Math’ in their name but are still relevant ?
    Right now, we have 15 caps checked for Rank Math. (this site has over 200 caps)

    3) OK, let’s dig deeper.
    Possible cause: we use customised single’s for our CPT’s, with sidebars, custom fields and other elements below the (Elementor) WYSIWYG content. Perhaps Elementor SEO takes this content into account, and the WP Editor does not ?
    What strikes me is that the score difference is always small, and about the same…

    We just tested this on a normal, non-CPT page: the ranking in Elementor and in page list is 84 and 76 in WP Editor…
    There are also differences in suggestions.
    – WP Editor : Orange : Focus Keyword not found in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc..
    – Elementor : Green : Focus Keyword found in subheading(s)

    Would it be interesting for you to have a temporary account to have a look in our dashboard ? Site is not live yet.

    Rank Math business


    1) do we have to conclude here that there is no way to optimise the content of a translation while keeping an eye on the SEO score, when using WPML’s ATE ?
    In that case, is it correct to assume that when we get a good score in the base language first, and then translate that content perfectly, we ‘should’ get the same score in the translation ?

    Well, yes and no. Probably some things there will be fine (like the number of incoming and outgoing links) but others could be changed (like the keyword density). I would say it could probably have a similar score (unless the translated language is too different and the content structure changes a lot).

    2) we did that, every checkbox was checked for the Webmaster user role. Anything else we can try ?
    Are there any specific capabilities that do not have ‘Rank Math’ in their name but are still relevant ?
    Right now, we have 15 caps checked for Rank Math. (this site has over 200 caps)

    About this, if you want, we could check the site. But yes, the only capabilities by Rank Math should be those with Rank Math in the name.

    To log in there, please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:


    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):


    3) OK, let’s dig deeper.
    Possible cause: we use customised single’s for our CPT’s, with sidebars, custom fields and other elements below the (Elementor) WYSIWYG content. Perhaps Elementor SEO takes this content into account, and the WP Editor does not ?
    What strikes me is that the score difference is always small, and about the same…

    We just tested this on a normal, non-CPT page: the ranking in Elementor and in page list is 84 and 76 in WP Editor…
    There are also differences in suggestions.
    – WP Editor : Orange : Focus Keyword not found in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc..
    – Elementor : Green : Focus Keyword found in subheading(s)

    About this one, that seems like the “issue” my colleague said, just Rank Math not reading some custom fields on Elementor, but since we already asked for the login details, we will also take a look into it.

    Looking forward to help you.

    WPadmin BBRI
    Rank Math free


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    WPadmin BBRI
    Rank Math free

    Hello, and thank you for your response and two tips for the plugins.

    1) OK, I will update the editoral team on this one, explaining that the scores should be similar for both languages if the translation is done correctly

    2) We installed both your recommended plugins, and created a login for you, see sensitive data box.

    3) See login.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys have a look around 😉

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    The score is usually different when editing within Elementor since the page builder adds shortcodes to the page and this cannot be analyzed properly as compared to WP post editor.

    When editing the same content with WP editor( click on Back to WordPress Editor), you will note the content is not the same as in Elementor and the headings don’t seem to have the keyword.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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