Unclear on ACF Support

  • Resolved Luke
    Rank Math free

    Hi Rank Math, I am a bit confused on whether I use the Content Analysis API or add my ACF fields to the Custom Fields input section under post types. I would like to not do double work if you know what I mean 🙂

    Please let me know, thanks!
    – Luke

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  • Luke
    Rank Math free

    Any reply? That would be super helpful. I would love to make sure our ACF fields are being used in our SEO workflow.

    Rank Math free

    I also wanted to mention that the “Movie” type for schema is not available even though it is mentioned in your documentation.

    movie not available


    Thank you for getting in touch and I am extremely sorry about the trouble this might have caused.

    The ACF module in Rank math is all you need for content analysis when you are using the ACF plugin. If your ACF is bundled with your theme or a page
    builder, then you do need to have them integrate the content analysis API.

    The movie schema is available for post that have videos in the pro version:

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Great Michael! Thanks for getting back.

    I ask because all of our posts show a bad score if I use the %title% variable.

    rank math seo scores

    I know that the %title% variable is a default WordPress variable but surely the %customfield(synopsis)% variable (which is an ACF field) should play into it and improve the SEO score. Right?

    Also, does the Custom Fields setting under rank-math-options-titles need to be filled with our ACF fields? Or does that have nothing to do with it?

    Custom Fields settings

    Thanks again for your guidance 🙂
    – Luke


    Are you referring to the %title% variable you have used as your keyword? I’d recommend using specific keywords instead of variables as your keywords.

    As for adding your custom fields to the rank-math-options-titles, you need to add specific/unique custom field names.

    Hope this helps you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    Thanks Michael,

    The %title% explanation makes sense, same for the ank-math-options-titles question. I was just curious.

    Thanks again!
    – Luke

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Glad that helped.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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