Unable to connect RankMath account or Search Console

  • Resolved Jeremy
    Rank Math free

    I have successfully connected Rank Math on two sites, but I am experiencing an error at my site jeremyrhammond.com where it is showing as not connected, even though in my Rank Math account, it is showing as connected (see screenshots). I have tried deactivating, deleting, and reinstalling the plugin, but this problem persists.

    I also successfully connected Rank Math to Search Console on the one other sites I tried this on, but again at jeremyrhammond.com, I am unable to do so. After authorizing, nothing appears in the drop-down list and an error message appears (see screenshot). Waiting for the cron job as it says did nothing. Clicking “Update cache manually” does nothing. I have also tried de-authorizing and re-authorizing many times but get the same result every time.

    Please help me resolve these two issues. I have searched the forums and saw that others had experienced both of these problems, but I was unable to find any solution that worked for me.

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  • Jeremy
    Rank Math free


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    The login had expired. I have provided the updated login link. Thanks.


    Thank you for the update.

    I have forwarded this to the dev team. Please keep the login open.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    The temporary login link has not yet expired, and I just tested it in an incognito window and it worked fine for me. I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t work for you other than that I’m also currently troubleshooting another plugin, and they may have been in there at the same time. Please try again, and if it doesn’t get you access, let me know what error or other result you get so I can resolve it.


    I can login but I do not see the GSC Authorization key in there.

    Can you please provide that or add s******@r*********** as an owner in your GSC account for that property so we can take a closer look?

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Sorry for any confusion arising from my previous reply. I received an email notification of an update from your end and scrolled to view the bottom-most reply on the page, which is what I was replying to. I did not notice that the thread has two pages.

    I have added the GSC authorization key. Thank you.

    I am suffering from same problem,I am unable to connect search counsel to rank math when I put Authorization code in box and click on Authorize nothing happens, please help me as soon as possible I stuck on this step .

    Please check my problem I open tiket for it


    The dev team are looking into this. Please be patient with us and we will get back to you.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    Hi. Is there any update on this issue?


    We are sorry but this is going to take much longer than we anticipated.

    When we test our own account on a test website, it links perfectly and shows all the listed websites in the GSC account.

    When we use the same account on your website, none of the websites from our account gets pulled. Which suggests, there is an issue with the website/web host and not the Google account.

    We have tried to diagnose this but fixing it requires a substantial amount of change to the code. This is tricky since only a few percent of the users are getting affected due to this and we are yet to find a pattern.

    I request you to switch to the official Site Kit plugin for now and keep Rank Math search console disabled from WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Dashboard.

    Once we have an update with the issue fixed, we will notify you.

    We are extremely sorry about this and are doing everything we can to sort this ASAP. We would really appreciate your patience in this matter.

    Rank Math free

    Thanks for the update. Please note that I am able to connect other sites on the same server to Search Console in RankMath, which suggests it’s not something with the server per se but with this particular domain on the server.


    Thank you for the info. The issue seems to be affecting some sites and not others. We are yet to find the pattern.

    We are currently working on a revamped version of the Search Console and we will notify you once the issue is fixed and an update released

    Do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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