Why total keywords shows only one in rank math tracker in-spite of added more?
Thanks for contacting us and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.
Rank Tracker is only available in the PRO version. Your subscription status is set as a Free user. Can you please share the email address that you used while purchasing the PRO subscription in the sensitive data section?
Looking forward to helping you.
How many keywords does Rank math provide in free version? Since last 8 months, I am trying to rank my website on 1st page but due to only 1 keyword its shows only position between 51-100.
As mentioned by my colleague, Rank Tracker is a PRO feature and is not available in the free version of the plugin.
Could you confirm if you’re referring to the keywords in Rank Tracker or focus keywords?
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you.
My question is related to focus keyword which shows only one in search engine. I have mentioned maximum focus keywords on my all pages of website to rank better. Even after optimized, still shows only one focus keyword.
Please note that adding focus keywords do not guarantee rankings on the search engines.
Ranking on Google depends on so much more than your on-page optimization. You could have the perfect article and still struggle to break the top 10 in SERPs. Here are some of the factors Google considers when ranking you:
1. Your website’s authority
2. Your content’s quality and how better it is than the other article currently ranking.
3. How competitive the keyword is.
4. How many backlinks do you have and if they are better than what the other guys ranking for that keyword have.
5. Your website’s crawlability.
6. Frequency of new content and content updates.
7. So much more that there is a dedicated blog post on it by Brian Dean
https://backlinko.com/google-ranking-factorsAlong with working on the on-page optimizations, you should also work on the above points to increase your chances of getting ranked higher.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
Thank You Sir for reply. I have completed 4 points out of 7 which you have mentioned. This is helpful for me. Also, thank you for sharing link.
We are super happy that we could address your concern. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.
If you don’t mind me asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/seo-by-rank-math/reviews/#new-post about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.
If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.
Thank you.
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