The system detects “noindex” in the HTTP header “X-Robots-Tag”.

  • Resolved Xiaoran Xu
    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    We have some English articles that appear on multiple pages in different languages, and these pages in different languages are marked as noindex.

    [moved to sensitive data section]

    What does this mean and how can I set them to index?

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  • Hello,

    I apologize for the issue you are facing with the "noindex" setting in the HTTP header "X-Robots-Tag" for your articles in different languages on your website.

    To set these pages to index, you can follow these steps:

    1. Modify the X-Robots-Tag in the htaccess file:

      • If you are using an Apache server, you can add the following code snippet to your website’s htaccess file:

        Header set X-Robots-Tag "index, follow"
      • For Nginx server, you can add the following code snippet:
        location ~* .pdf$ 
        add_header X-Robots-Tag "index, follow";
    2. Check Global Settings in Rank Math:

      • Ensure that the global settings in Rank Math SEO are not set to "noindex." You can check this at WordPress Dashboard → Rank Math SEO → Titles & Meta.
    3. Review Robots.txt Rules:

      • Make sure that your robots.txt file does not contain any disallow tags that could prevent indexing. You can edit the robots.txt file using Rank Math at WordPress Dashboard → Rank Math SEO → General Settings → Edit Robots.txt.

    By following these steps, you should be able to set your English articles in different languages to index on your website.

    If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team directly here.

    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We are here to help you.

    Best regards.

    Can I NoIndex PDF Files Using an SEO Plugin? » Rank Math
    No Information is Available for This Page » Rank Math
    Advanced Tab in Rank Math SEO’s Meta Box
    Why Google Hasn’t Indexed Your Post, Page, and/or Website? » Rank Math
    How to Fix Submitted URL Marked ‘NoIndex’ Error » Rank Math

    Xiaoran Xu
    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    I’m very impressed with your patience in answering this question.
    And I’m not using “Apache server” or “Nginx server” but hostinger server, what code should I add to the htaccess file in this case? What code should I add to the htaccess file?


    Thank you for contacting us. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

    We tested the referenced URLs and found they were not blocked by X-Robots tag, and neither is their meta robot set to noindex.

    Which tool/system is detecting those pages as being set to noindex.

    You can use tools like Imgur for screenshots or Loom for screencasts.

    We look forward to helping you further.



    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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