Table wp_rank_math_sc_analytics so big

  • Resolved Karanadiksha
    Rank Math free

    This table is so big: 0117.198 (0) Table wp_rank_math_sc_analytics: Total expected rows (approximate): 2865002. Why is so big? could not be possible to make smaller?

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  • Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    The Search console module will sequentially download data from your search console for use on this module and the table might increase in size over time.

    You can however head over to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > Search console > Cache Limit and enter the number of days that you would like to keep this data before it is deleted.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    thanks michael

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro

    Hi Karanadiksha

    I am glad that this info was helpful 🙂

    Feel free to contact us should any other issues come up.

    Thank you.

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