dear Support team, we have changed some a few urls slugs ( permalinks) and rank math made the auto redirects from old url to new url.
But we face another problem now. The redirects as well happened on the sitemap and new we have old url and new url indexed in sitemaps.
This is what has been detected from another url.How we can edit the sitemaps and remove the old urls? as well in the future how we could make sure that Rank math redirecting will delete the old url from the rank math sitemaps and place the new url into it?
dear Support team, we have changed some a few urls slugs ( permalinks) and rank math made the auto redirects from old url to new url.
But we face another problem now. The redirects as well happened on the sitemap and now we have old url and new url indexed in sitemaps.
This is what has been detected from another tool.How we can edit the sitemaps and remove the old urls? as well in the future how we could make sure that Rank math redirecting will delete the old url from the rank math sitemaps and place the new url into it?
Thank you for contacting Rank Math and bringing your concern to our attention. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you.
Can you please follow these steps?
1. Flush the Sitemap cache by following this video screencast:
https://i.rankmath.com/pipRDp2. Exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:
https://rankmath.com/kb/exclude-sitemaps-from-caching/If the issue persists, could you also provide the sitemap and the affected URLs to investigate further?
I hope that helps. Thank you, and looking forward to your update.
Hi dear, we made all what you was sending us. We are doing now a new recrawl via our tool what reported this problem.
You can see the report here about links which are redirected but indexed to sitemaps old and new url together at the same time.
Now we made your suggested steps, after recrawl finished we can tell if the problem continues. İf you Know yourself a way to chack manually you see under https://www.realestateallturkey.com/sitemap_index.xml our sitemaps.
thank you very much sir
Thank you for following up.
It seems that you have sent a link for redirects CSV.
However, we will wait for your update regarding this issue after the next recrawl and keeping this ticket open.
Please let us know how this goes.
Thank you, and looking forward to helping you.
thank you its fixed 100%.
sorry mistakenly there are 4 urls still continue with mistake
I think you sent the wrong link as the link points to a CVS file with 301 redirects without any actual links.
Please share with us the 4 URLs that are not showing up so we can check further.
Looking forward to helping you.
Hello There,
please check on this link. I think the earlier one caused a problem.
There are 6 links redirected in sitemaps mistakes we cannot solve with your techniques you suggeseted.See here please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkun3dux1w38hyp/realestateallturkey_27-jan-2021_3xx-redirect-in-sitemap_2021-01-27_17-00-00.csv?dl=0
Additionally there are 2 other faults what came up even we didnt do any redirects here . Redireted page 3xx receives organic traffic.Url
Redirected Url:
https://www.realestateallturkey.com/fatih-istanbul/See here the list :
As well Rank math caused another problem now:
Redirect chain has been caused even we didnt do any set any redirect manually i think its done autoamtically
301 Moved Permanently
Redirected chain Urls:
200See the difference is the slash we didnt do any redirects to same link but with slash . this is done automatically by Rank math and we have now 290 of them. It causes a redirect error to our website.
See here the whole list:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xjsaxr9l39rmrr/realestateallturkey_27-jan-2021_redirect-chain_2021-01-27_17-20-17.csv?dl=0What are the solutions?
Thank you for following up.
I’ve checked the link you have provided but unable to see the redirection for adding the trailing slash
However, I suggest that you head over to your WP settings > Permalinks, and if you have a custom structure you can remove the trailing slash from there and click save.
If the trailing slash is not present, you reach out to your host and seek their help in adding a redirection to remove this.
I hope that helps. Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.
Mr Reinelle ,
i think you are confused or what ?
Please answer the question to edit the sitemaps,see here
please check on this link. I think the earlier one caused a problem.
There are 6 links redirected in sitemaps mistakes we cannot solve with your techniques you suggeseted.See here please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkun3dux1w38hyp/realestateallturkey_27-jan-2021_3xx-redirect-in-sitemap_2021-01-27_17-00-00.csv?dl=0
Oue permalinks were and have been set to Post name : see here on the sceenshot https://snipboard.io/oRiauA.jpg
The problems came up with the slash / after you said flush the sitemaps cache in your video here https://i.rankmath.com/pipRDp
Sorry for the delay.
You can add the following filter to your functions.php file (at the end) to force removing all the trailing slashes:
add_filter( ‘rank_math/sitemap/entry’, function( $url, $type, $object ){ $url[‘loc’] = untrailingslashit( $url[‘loc’] ); return $url; }, 10, 3 );
Make sure to clean your cache and resave the permalinks (just press the save button) so the sitemaps are regenerated.
This filters all your URLs before adding them to the sitemap to make sure they have the trailing slash removed.
I hope that helps. Thank you, and looking forward to your update.
dear Reinelle, your advices for redirect chain problem has been fixed. Trailing slashes dont cause any error for our tools.
But one thing still isnt fixed its got more even. before there were 4 or 5 now there are 9.
The problem with redirected in sitemaps:
how we can edit the sitemaps manually to delete the old which doenst exist anymore.See here the list if it helps:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjtqm6lkksukezq/realestateallturkey_29-jan-2021_3xx-redirect-in-sitemap_2021-01-30_12-07-19.csv?dl=0Thank you for your advises.
Thank you for following up.
Have you tried flushing your sitemap cache again? Please follow this video screencast:
https://i.rankmath.com/pipRDpThen exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:
https://rankmath.com/kb/exclude-sitemaps-from-caching/I hope that helps. Thank you, and looking forward to your update.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.
The ticket ‘Split: Editing sitemaps’ is closed to new replies.