Some posts not getting indexed. Weird results in the SERP.

  • Resolved Mark Johne
    Rank Math free

    Hey guys,

    We have a site that wasn’t adding posts to the sitemap due to GSC not being connected. I’ve since connected it and now they’re all showing correctly.

    The weird thing here is, doing a site search (site: shows 88 results initially at the top of the SERP, but only 3 pages of results down the bottom. After clicking to Google’s page 3, the number 88 changes to 27 URLs indexed and very few of the blog posts are included in those 3 pages of SERPs. Searching for each individual blog post URL does pull up the result, suggesting it’s indexed.

    Could RankMath be causing problems here?

    Any help appreciated!

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  • Prabhat
    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for contacting us.

    While searching for a website or keywords, related links are displayed, that does not mean that all the links of that website would be placed in the search results.

    Also, it is totally up to Google to display the data on the SERPs that it finds relevant.

    As you mentioned that the pages are already indexed, then there is nothing to be worried about, you just need to further optimize and improve the contents to attract more traffic and attention from the search engines.

    Hope this helps.


    Hi Prabhat,

    Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, it didn’t help.

    We’re a successful content marketing agency so we know for sure our content isn’t the problem.

    Surely if I perform a Google operator search, Google should pull up all of the indexed URLs, regardless. It’s not the same as a keyword search or searching for a website, as you suggested in your reply above. Isn’t that correct?

    GSC is still having problems reading the sitemap, even after connecting RankMath to do.

    Are you able to make any sense of the GSC screenshot here, Prabhat?


    Thank you for the follow-up, and sorry for the delay.

    I don’t think that Rank Math or any SEO plugin is causing the number of results shown on Google Search Results. As I’ve checked this I got 2 different results for using Google Chrome
    Number results

    While using Incognito mode
    Incognito Number results

    You can also check this link for the inaccurate number of results showing on the Google search page:

    For your sitemap issue, it seems that you’re using Divi for your website. This seems to be an issue if you have added the image using ACF. Could you please confirm?

    I hope that helps. Thank you, and looking forward to your update.

    Hey Reinelle,

    Thanks for the reply. Looks like that Stack Exchange post isn’t super relevant for a website with under 100 URLs.

    We are indeed using Divi. However, I’ll need to speak with the site admin to get access to the plugins to see if we’re using ACF. I’ll check that and post back here as soon as I can confirm.

    Are you saying there’s a known issue between Divi and ACF?


    Thanks for getting back to us.

    That post my colleague shared applies to all search queries. Google will try to make an approximation of the actual value and most of the time it’s not exactly correct.

    Regarding the image issue, we are not aware of any known bug with Divi and ACF, however, if you are including images via ACF you need to add those fields to the Image Custom Fields under WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Sitemap Settings > Posts.
    Image custom fields

    Another thing to check with the site admin, in case you are not sure, is if they are using the Blurp feature of Divi to insert background images.

    If they are indeed using that feature, we recommend that you contact the Divi team and ask them if they have a solution for this where these BG images of blurps are not included in the sitemap.

    The functionality of Rank Math being able to see Divi images and adding them to the sitemap was added by the Divi team and that is why it is recommended that you contact them directly.

    Hope this helps solve your issue.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you require any further assistance.

    Hey guys,

    I’m waiting for access to those plugins, still. I’ll update here soon. I need to discover what’s holding us back here.

    Really appreciate all the help. We regularly champion RankMath to others and will continue to be after this support.

    Speak soon.

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    Sure, please let us know how that goes.

    Also, if you have another question in the future, please feel free to reach out, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

    Even though the actual post sitemap is showing 18 URLs, GSC still states that only 6 posts are found on that sitemap. Does that help you tie the issue to RankMath at all?



    Rank Math business


    It looks like your sitemap is cached. I am also seeing only 6 URLs in the post sitemap:

    Can you please follow these steps?
    1. Flush the Sitemap cache by following this video screencast:

    2. Exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:

    Once done, remove all the sitemaps from GSC and submit only sitemap_index.xml and wait for Google to crawl the sitemap.

    That should fix the issue. Please let me know if that does not. We are here to assist.

    Thanks, guys. I’ll post the results here soon.

    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for your reply.

    Sure, please let us know how that goes.

    Also, if you have another question, please feel free to reach out, and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

    Thank you.

    Unfortunately, I’m not seeing a caching plugin


    Rank Math agency


    Thanks for getting back to us.

    As mentioned by my colleague, there are only 6 posts in the post sitemap. I checked your blog page and I found over 10 posts are available. I also checked few posts to see if a No Index tag is applied to them, but the post is set to Index.

    Could you please confirm if you’ve flushed the sitemaps cache, as suggested by my colleague? If not, then, please try that and see if the posts appear in the sitemap.

    However, if the issue still persists, then we might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress & FTP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:

    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We really look forward to helping you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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