Snippet Cut off on Google

  • Resolved Maria
    Rank Math pro

    My current website is appearing on google search with the snippet cut off. It only shows three letters. Here is an example of what it says.

    I have gone to the Rank Math dashboard and checked to make sure the snippet is written correctly. I also made sure the schema was showing the headline and SEO description.

    One more thing I noticed is: why does my website show up as
    Why isn’t it showing as in the google search?

    Please tell me what is wrong and how to correct it.

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  • Hello,

    ​Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    Your meta description seems to be different from what appears as the schema description.:
    Please ensure the Schema title shows %seo_title% and the description shows %seo_description% – this will ensure your SEO title and SEO Description that you set up via Rank Math can also be used for your schema details:
    Once done, you should check if your title/description is properly set up in the page source:

    You can use this tool for the same as well:

    If it matches your settings, then you must check if Google has seen the changes already or not.
    For that, please check when the Google cache was updated for that page:


    If the cache date is from before adding the new meta description, then you just have to wait for Google to re-crawl and re-index the page with the new info. If the date is after you made the changes,
    ​Do note that if everything’s fine and Google still decides to show a different meta title/description for your search keyword, there is nothing you can do as Google sometimes ignores the custom meta info altogether and show something from the page’s content that matches the search intent better.

    The best you can do is optimize your meta tags to try and match the intent of the search/keyword.

    You can read more about it here

    This section sheds light on that:

    Why the search result title might differ from the page's <title> tag

    Hope that helps. If you have any further question(s), please let us know.

    Ok, so I adjusted the description to match. I asked google to crawl. it was crawled on Friday. It still shows the snippet cut off like before. Please help me out. I am losing my mind over this.


    I checked your site on Google and it seems to have been crawled lastly on 22nd September:

    Please allow sometime for google to update the site cache and hopefully reflect your new meta.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    I noticed that the Advanced Robots Meta/ Snippet was in its default setting (-1). I decided to change it to 200 and within an hour my snippet was visible in its entirety.
    I recommend that the default should not remain as (-1).


    We are so glad that it is working fine for you.

    If you need help with anything else, please open a new support ticket here so we can help:

    We are always here for assistance.

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