Sitemap not updating url changes

  • Resolved Mark Oakley
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Since I built my site, i have changed about 30 url’s. This is many months ago.
    These changes are not being reflected in my sitemaps.

    How can I edit/update my sitemap to show the correct url’s



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  • Mark Oakley
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Not sure I understand. These are not ‘new’ posts. They are the same post with a new url ( the old url redirected to the new url ) so I can not noindex the post or delete it.

    I tried add the old url to noindex on robots.txt file, but the SEMrush audit still showed them and marked them as critical errors.

    So what can I do?


    Of course, you can delete them if the URLs are redirected.

    They serve no purpose being live posts. Even if you delete the post or draft them – the redirects will still run and everything will be fine.

    You can test this with a couple of URLs if you like.

    Or you can add each post’s ID to the exclusion list from WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Sitemaps Settings > Global:

    Although, it is not needed and it is a tedious process for so many posts.

    Hope that helps.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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