Sitemap not reading posts and also posts are not indexing on google

  • Resolved Utkarsh
    Rank Math free

    Sitemap again stopped reading my posts for the past 4 days. My recent posts are not on the sitemap. Also, posts are not indexing on google. Please resolve the sitemap issue. I’m facing the sitemap issue again and again

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  • Nigel
    Rank Math business


    Thank for your patience as we try to help you with your sitemap and indexing issues.

    It looks like you have done everything correctly. While it takes time, Google seems to be indexing all your pages.

    Please note, having a sitemap and fully optimized website does not guarantee indexing. You can refer this page on Google’s documentation for more information: Do I need a sitemap

    I hope that helps.

    Rank Math free

    Hope I will get the reply fast


    It seems that you are using a plugin added by Hostgator that is used to cache your website and this is causing your sitemap to also be cached.

    Please get in touch with your hosting provider and ask if they can disable this caching plugin.

    Hope this helps clarify your doubts.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    What is Hostgator? I don’t know about it.

    Rank Math business


    If you are not using that, Could you Please exclude the Sitemap files of the Rank Math plugin in your caching plugin. The cache could be via a plugin or from the server. For plugins or Cloudflare, please follow this article:

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Also, this is the second time I’m sharing the screenshot with you. I have already sent you screenshot 10 days ago. And still you are asking for the same thing. Please read the reply carefully and provide the solution.


    The plugin applying caching on your website is called Endurance Caching and it’s usually installed via the hosting providers directly on your website.

    This kind of plugin doesn’t show in the default plugins list and you need to get in touch with your hosting provider to disable this functionality.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math business


    Thank you for your patience as we troubleshoot your sitemap and indexing issues.

    It looks like you have implemented everything correctly. At this point I will repeat my recommendation to be patient and Google will eventually index your content. At the beginning of this ticket, Google had indexed 54 posts and pages. The total indexed posts and pages is now at 73. Screenshot: You can check by entering the quoted text in Google search: “”

    Please note that Google does not guarantee crawling a sitemap. Here is a quote from Google’s sitemap guidelines:

    …sitemaps are a recommendation to Google about which pages you think are important; Google does not pledge to crawl every URL in a sitemap.

    You may also refer to this page on Google’s documentation for more information on the indexing of websites through sitemaps:

    There are also other users who have asked for help with similar issues on the Google forums. Check out the following forum topic: My sitemap seems to be ignored and pages are not indexed.

    I hope that clears your doubts. If you have questions, please ask. We are always here to help.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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