Hello. I have a sitemap issue and need your help.
So, I have a server on Digital Ocean, and NGNIX, and use Cloudpanel as a control panel.
I have two websites there:
https://muglandia.comOn both sites, rank math says this:
Since you are using an NGINX server, you may need to add the following code to your configuration file if your Sitemap pages are not loading. If you are unsure how to do it, please contact your hosting provider. Click here to see the code.But I didn’t do anything, because sitemaps work and open without issue.
However, on Muglandia, when I add sitemap to Google Search Console, it fetches but after 2-3 days it says that sitemap couldn’t be fetched. I added sitemap 3-4 times but same issue.
Wooodwindy doesn’t have that issue and the only difference between those sites is that Muglandia uses Woocommerce but I don’t think it’s an issue.
Can you help me?
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