Sitemap is not reading my posts and also creating a problem in indexing

  • Resolved Utkarsh
    Rank Math free

    For the past 17 days, my sitemap is not reading my posts and also creating a problem in indexing. Also, my robots.txt file has changed automatically. So I request you to help me to resolve this problem. Reply to me ASAP and also provide me your customer care number.

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  • Utkarsh
    Rank Math free

    If everything is fine and working then why my posts are not getting index on google for the past 24 days. My sitemap and robots.txt file is also working fine but still I’m facing the issue.

    Rank Math agency


    The redirection issue on your website is fixed 2-3 days ago, so you should be counting the date from then.

    However, could you please check the coverage report under your Google Search Console account to see if there are any errors shown, that might be causing the issue?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Sitemap again stopped reading my posts for the past 4 days. My recent posts are not on the sitemap. Also, posts are not indexing on google. Please resolve the sitemap issue. I’m facing the sitemap issue again and again

    Rank Math business

    We have replied to your other ticket with a similar query and we’ll continue the discussion about this on that other thread.

    Thank you.

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