Sitemap Errors on My Two Sites

  • Resolved Yuvraj
    Rank Math free

    Why search console is continuously showing author sitemap error on my two sites? First, it was showing errors in all sitemap, I disabled and enabled caching and rankmath plugin and purged cache and after that it started working but still author sitemap’s “Missing XML tag – This required tag is missing. Please add it and resubmit and General HTTP error” errors are showing on my both sites. I rechecked robot metadata for author sitemap on both sites, and they are enabled for indexing. URL

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  • Yuvraj
    Rank Math free


    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for the delay and inconvenience caused.

    I checked the sitemaps of both the websites, the sitemap of one of your websites is blank. (Check screenshot in the sensitive data section)

    Please ensure that the Rank Math plugin is updated to the latest version:

    Then, check that the sitemaps are correctly excluded from the caching plugin:

    Then, clear your website cache and if you are using Cloudflare, purge the cache from there.

    Then remove all the sitemaps from the Search Console and add sitemap_index.xml again.

    I hope this helps. Looking forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi, I followed the same steps but still they are showing the same errors. Should I wait for some time?


    Thank you for your patience.

    Your sitemaps are showing blank since they are not getting redirected to their final versions. Please verify the www (or non-www) versions of your website. You can refer to the screenshots in the sensitive data section.

    Ensure that only 1 version of the sitemap is working (200 Ok status), and the rest are redirecting to it. You can also use this tool to check.

    Please follow the steps in this link:

    You may also get in touch with your web host for assistance with this kind of redirect.

    I hope that helps.

    Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you need further assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Hi, I have followed the same steps. I have pasted the same code provided in the troubleshooting guide article into one of my site, but when I checked it in the tool, nothing changed.

    Rank Math free

    Please let me know how I can fix this sitemaps errors. But now everything is working fine on my english site.

    Rank Math free

    Please let me know how I can fix this sitemap errors. But now everything is working fine on my english site.

    Rank Math agency


    I have pasted the same code provided in the troubleshooting guide article into one of my site, but when I checked it in the tool, nothing changed.

    I checked and the non-www version of your website is still not redirecting to the www version.

    Please get in touch with your web host as they would be in a better position to assist you in this regard.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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