Sitemap conflict

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with the sitemap conflict. Thank you for raising this concern and for your willingness to collaborate with The Events Manager developers to resolve the issue.

    To facilitate communication, please reply to your support ticket with the details of the conflict and mention that the developers are willing to work together. A human agent from our Rank Math Support team will then take over the ticket and coordinate with you and The Events Manager developers to find a resolution.

    If you have any specific information or questions you’d like to include in your reply, feel free to do so. We appreciate your patience as we work through this together!

    How To Effectively & Efficiently Get Support from Rank Math (Support Tickets) » Rank Math


    Please ask them to get in touch with our developers at s******@r***********

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Thanks I will give them your contact right away


    Thank you so much for that.

    Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    I told to the Events Manager developers about your willingness to collaborate and this was the response:

    “I already mentioned this to the developers, At the moment Rank Math SEO is not yet fully supported by EM and we are quite limited with regards to other plugins or themes –
    I will forward this to our lead developer.”

    Maybe you could try to contact them too.

    I am unfortunately forced to switch to Yoast at the moment.
    Thanks, I hope to deal with you again soon.


    Thank you for the update and for your efforts to facilitate this collaboration. We understand how frustrating this situation must be for you.

    The compatibility needs to be included by the third-party plugin hence we are limited in our ability to make changes on our end without their collaboration. We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.

    If you decide to switch to Yoast, we respect your decision and are here to assist you with any future needs. Your experience is important to us, and we hope to work with you again in the future.


    My transition to YOAST was quite painful and not painless.
    I hope that in the future the incompatibility can be resolved.
    Maybe trying to contact the Events Manager staff yourself could shorten the time?
    Thanks again and see you soon.


    We appreciate the feedback which we will take into consideration moving forward.

    Thank you and good luck with your future endeavors.

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