Sitemap and Images w/ Elementor Posts Widget

  • Resolved Jordan Inglee
    Rank Math free

    I’m trying to get Rank Math’s sitemap to see my featured images in an Archive for a custom post type (and custom taxonomies) where my posts are being displayed with a Posts Widget (sometimes also a Listing Grid or Posts Extra Widget)

    My CPT “Images” was made with Pods and has a “featured image” which does show up in single posts under the sitemap. These Featured Images aren’t being seen in the Archive though because of the widget.

    I get that I can add a custom field to Rank Math. I’ve tried what I think to be the featured image fields for my CPT, but nothing works.

    Can anyone out there help me? What/Where do I need to add a field?

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  • Anyone there? It’s been a couple of days with no response.

    I’ve since tried posting on the Facebook page and have had my post blocked by the admins for being support related?

    I’m really frustrated at the lack of customer service over this.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Jordan Inglee.


    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    We are sorry for not getting back to you sooner due to the weekend.

    Are the featured images added to the CPT sitemap? You only need to add the Image to the Sitemap once. It doesn’t make much sense to have the same image appear in multiple sitemaps, especially the archive when the image is added to an individual CPT.

    With that said, please share the URL of the archive sitemap so we can check. We are assuming that the images-sitemap.xml is the actual CPT sitemap.

    Moreover, if there is a particular reason you want the images to appear in the CPT archive too, please let us know. Perhaps we can point you in the right direction.

    Rank Math free

    Exact, image can only 1 time add to sitemap.
    Google crawl images very slowly than content so must whait

    Thanks for getting back.

    So – I’m ultimately just trying to get google to see my images attached to my CPTs (specifically, “Images” and “Collections”)

    My assumption is that I would want google to index the featured images wherever they are used, so my Archive page gets hits as well as the single pages for the CPTs.

    But yeah – I guess it would be redundant for those featured images to show up on every page they are used…

    Either way – I want to figure out how to get images inside of a Posts Widget or Listing Grid to be added to the sitemap, because if the sitemap doesn’t see it, google won’t either right?

    If you had any idea how to help with getting google to see my images, I’d be in debt to you.

    And yes the sitemaps are:

    The Archive URLs are:


    Google does not need to see the images in the sitemap to “see” them and include them in their index. If an image is present on a page they index, Google will index the images too.

    If an image is only in the widget and not attached to any post/page/CPT – Rank Math will not know which post to include the image location with so it will be included in the sitemap.

    If the image is present in an individual post/page/CPT – Rank Math will include it in that post’s Sitemap.

    Hope that helps.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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