Hello Support,
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. What I did:
Using CPT UI I have created custom content types amongst which products_b2b
Using Elementor I have created templates for its archive page and for its posts
Using WPML I have translated the archive template, the post template and the posts themselves (products_b2b’s)I can now visit all the different versions:
(links in sensitive data field)I use RankMath to generate the sitemap.xml and I have enabled this content type to be indexed and to be added to this sitemap.
What I expect: a sitemap with the archive and its two posts in all languages
What I see: a sitemap with the archive in only English and the two posts in all languages. So a total of 7 links instead of 9.
My question: why is are the translated versions of the archive not included? Which setting is responsible? In the meantime I have several times resaved/flushed the permalinks to try to force a refresh of the sitemaps.
Thank you,
The ticket ‘Site index does not show translated versions of custom CT archives’ is closed to new replies.