SEO queries!

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    Rank Math free

    Dear RankMath Support Team,

    I am reaching out to seek some clarity regarding the recommendations provided by RankMath, as I have some concerns about how strictly adhering to these guidelines might impact the user experience and the overall quality of our content.

    Keyword Placement: RankMath advises placing the focus keyword in all header tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.). However, from a user experience perspective, this approach can lead to keyword stuffing, which may be detrimental in Google’s eyes. While I understand the importance of including the focus keyword in key positions, repeating it excessively in headers can affect the readability and natural flow of the content.

    Content Structure: There is also a recommendation to start titles and content with the focus keyword. While this can be beneficial in certain contexts, it is not always practical or natural to do so. High-quality content should engage the reader from the beginning and flow logically, rather than being constrained by keyword placement rules.

    Outbound Links: The suggestion to include outbound links to other websites is understandable, as it can enhance credibility and provide additional resources for readers. However, this practice is not always relevant or necessary for every piece of content. Including outbound links should be based on relevance and value to the reader, not as a blanket rule.

    Titles with Numbers: While titles containing numbers (e.g., “5 Benefits of…”) can be effective and attention-grabbing, it is not always appropriate for every piece of content. The structure and style of titles should depend on the content itself and the intended audience.

    I would appreciate any insights or guidance you can offer on balancing these recommendations with the need to maintain high-quality, user-friendly content. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the concerns you are facing regarding the recommendations provided by Rank Math. Thank you for raising these important points about keyword placement, content structure, outbound links, and title formatting.

    Keyword Placement

    You are correct that while including focus keywords in header tags is important for SEO, it should not come at the expense of readability and user experience. The goal is to create content that is both optimized for search engines and engaging for readers. It’s essential to strike a balance; use keywords naturally without forcing them into every header.

    Content Structure

    Starting titles and content with the focus keyword can be beneficial, but it should feel organic. High-quality content should prioritize engaging the reader and maintaining a logical flow. If placing the keyword at the beginning disrupts this flow, it’s perfectly acceptable to prioritize readability.

    Outbound Links

    Including outbound links is indeed a good practice for enhancing credibility, but it should always be relevant to the content. The focus should be on providing value to your readers rather than adhering to a strict rule about linking.

    Titles with Numbers

    Using numbers in titles can be effective, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. The title should reflect the content accurately and resonate with your audience. If a numbered title doesn’t fit the context, it’s better to choose a different style that aligns with your content.

    In summary, while following SEO guidelines is important, prioritizing user experience and content quality is equally crucial. We recommend using these guidelines as flexible suggestions rather than strict rules. This approach will help you create content that is both optimized for search engines and valuable to your audience.

    If you have further questions or need more specific guidance, please feel free to reply to this ticket, and a human agent from the Rank Math Support team will assist you further.

    Thank you for your understanding and support!

    Does Installing Rank Math Guarantee Rankings? » Rank Math

    Thanks for your prompt response. Much appreciated!

    However, I still have some concerns regarding the RankMath scoring system. Since the score for a page or article heavily depends on adhering to these guidelines, which do not always align with Google’s emphasis on user experience, I am seeking your advice on the following:

    Balancing SEO and User Experience: If we focus primarily on Google’s user perspective, ensuring content quality and readability, how can we maintain a good RankMath score?

    Minimum Score for Effective SEO: In your experience, what is the minimum RankMath score we should aim for to achieve effective SEO while not compromising on user experience?

    Alignment Strategies: Are there any strategies or best practices you can recommend that would help us align RankMath guidelines with Google’s focus on user experience without significantly sacrificing the RankMath score?

    I appreciate your support and am eager to find a balance that allows us to optimize our content for Google while prioritizing the needs and engagement of our readers. Your guidance on this matter will be helpful. Thanks!


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and bringing your concern to our attention.

    Please note that the SEO score is only for your reference and doesn’t affect the actual SEO performance of your site. If you feel any of them don’t apply to your page or you have already done them, you can safely ignore them as search engines test the live version of your site. You can even disable any test that doesn’t apply to your content by following this guide:

    While there is no specific minimum score guaranteed to achieve top rankings, aiming for a Rank Math score of 80 or above is a good target. This generally indicates that you are following key SEO best practices. However, remember that the score is a guideline, not an absolute rule.

    In conclusion, while it’s important to follow SEO guidelines, prioritize creating content that provides value and is easy to read. Use Rank Math’s recommendations as flexible guidelines to help you optimize your content effectively without sacrificing user experience.

    We hope this helps.



    We appreciate you reaching out to Rank Math support.

    The Rank Math SEO tests are based on widely accepted best practices, but they may not be suitable for all industries and use cases. You may also consider using the Content AI tool, as its tests are based on the page structure of the current ranking pages for your page’s focus keyword.

    It’s important to note that the Rank Math tests and SEO Score are intended for educational purposes and are meant to assist you in creating more SEO-friendly content. If you find that any of the tests are not relevant to your industry, use case, or website, you can use the provided filter codes to disable specific tests.

    For instance, to disable the “Title starts with Keyword” test, you can add the following code to your website:

     * Filter to disable Title starts with Keyword test
    add_filter('rank_math/researches/tests', function ($tests, $type) {
    	return $tests;
    }, 10, 2 );

    You can add the code to your site using any of the methods available here.

    We hope this information helps you address the issue. Please feel free to reach out to us again with any other questions or concerns regarding Rank Math. We are always happy to assist you.

    Thank you for choosing Rank Math!


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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