SEO info incoherent & others

  • Resolved
    Rank Math free

    I have detected some inconsistencies with the plugin, so I would really appreciate your help.
    On some pages of my website the SEO information of the WordPress editor does not coincide with the Elementor editor … What is the true information?

    I have also created some taxonomies, but they do not allow me to optimize them since the SEO block does not appear. That is, the SEO block for Activities ( does not appear, it only appears for categories (… So how can I optimize the Activities? Can you help me with that, please?

    Thank you!

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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    Thank you a lot for your query and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.

    Are you using Shortcodes inside the content?

    If so, then there will always be a difference between WordPress & Elementor as Elementor renders Shortcodes whereas WordPress does not. That impacts the score calculation.

    Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this. Sorry.
    Rank Math free

    I understand but to be clear, which of the two scores is the one that Google takes as a reference?
    I understand that there may be a difference between both scores, but in this case it is too big … Please try to fix that for future updates … .I was very happy with your plugin but this leaves something to be desired …

    Rank Math business


    Google loads the complete website so it loads the entire source code. That way, the valid score is the one you see in Elementor, since it is almost the same Google will see.

    About improving it, we have it in our roadmap, so hopefully, we will do it soon!

    Looking forward to help you.

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