SEO Content Length / Score Updates

  • Resolved Smarter Websites
    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    Hey Support,

    We have recently discovered RankMath SEO. We watched a few videos and love it so far. We have switched over from Yoast on a clients site over to test it.

    Within the Basic SEO section, there is an error that reads

    > Content is 370 words long. Consider using at least 600 words.

    The issue we are having with this is that hardly any of our clients content (unless written by a copywriter) is ever going to be 600 words. Most of the time we suggest to the client that it be between 300-400. This is the only major difference I’ve noticed between RM and Yoast.

    I understand that you might not want to make this editable as it will throw the SEO score out. However, maybe make it so that

    Red = less than 300 words
    Orange = between 300-600
    Green = at least 600 words


    I did read on another thread that the upon installation and re-calculating the score needs to be done within the post or page itself.


    I went through and update one of our clients’ sites who had 10+ pages and 34 posts. This is one o four smaller SEO clients that we have. Our concern is that as we are considering switching from Yoast to RM.

    If we are to convert one of our larger sites with over 200+ posts and 500+ pages it would take a lifetime to update the SEO score. Is it possible to make it so that the score can be refreshed from the quick edit button on the pages and posts

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  • Hello,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    These are just guidelines and should be treated as such.

    The score is there only for your reference anyway and doesn’t affect your actual rankings. Treat it only as a to-do list, nothing more. Don’t try to live by it and don’t follow the tests religiously.

    The scores are calculated when you open a post as there is JS to be executed.

    I am so sorry but there is no way to automate this.

    We would not suggest automating that anyway.

    Some of the tests only run when you load up a post. The score gets saved when you hit the update button. But, don’t just hit the update button without changing any content on your website. If you do this, Google will think you are trying to manipulate the date Google sometimes shows beside your search result ( )

    So, we recommend that you start with your most important posts, open then, make changes as per recommendations made by Google and then hit the update button.

    I hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    P.S: Not to make any comparison but if you import to Yoast – the same thing happens.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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