Good Day!
Our Rank Math SEO Analysis score is being lowered due to the following error:
Focus Keywords: X There are 17 Services with no focus keyword set.
Details: https://prnt.sc/19sm61d
When we click on the link “17 Services”, Rank Math displays the 17 services that have no focus keyword set. These services belong to a plugin, called ‘gAppointments.”
In short, Rank Math is attaching itself to an extraneous plugin and not allowing us to add focus keywords to each Service item.
Above condition is considered a Rank Math bug and should not be happening. Adding a focus keyword to the noted Services is not necessary since they are only used in the backend of our website.
Details: https://prnt.sc/19so4zq
Bottom line, please provide a code snippet (or a fix) to eliminate the above SEO Analysis error. Specifically, a fix that will keep Rank Math from scanning the above-mentioned plugin (or any other).
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thank you!
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