SEO Analysis Bug | Rank Math Scanning Plugin “gAppointments”

  • Resolved Petar
    Rank Math free

    Good Day!

    Our Rank Math SEO Analysis score is being lowered due to the following error:

    Focus Keywords: X There are 17 Services with no focus keyword set.


    When we click on the link “17 Services”, Rank Math displays the 17 services that have no focus keyword set. These services belong to a plugin, called ‘gAppointments.”

    In short, Rank Math is attaching itself to an extraneous plugin and not allowing us to add focus keywords to each Service item.

    Above condition is considered a Rank Math bug and should not be happening. Adding a focus keyword to the noted Services is not necessary since they are only used in the backend of our website.


    Bottom line, please provide a code snippet (or a fix) to eliminate the above SEO Analysis error. Specifically, a fix that will keep Rank Math from scanning the above-mentioned plugin (or any other).

    If you have any questions, please let us know.

    Thank you!

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    This is happening because that plugin is likely creating a CPT and Rank Math is hooking into those. Could you please verify if there’s an entry for those under WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta?

    In case you see an entry like that, then that’s the reason you are seeing this error appears and it should allow you to add the SEO Metabox to those in order to insert a focus keyword on those.

    ​​​​​​Alternatively, you can just choose to ignore that error since you are already well aware of the situation.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Miguel,

    We could not find an meta entry for the Services noted in the path you provided. In short, we found no way to activate a meta box for those services.

    To make sure we didn’t miss anything, can you be more explicit on what we should be looking for? Oh, and what is CPT? 🙂

    Yes, we can just ignore the finding in the SEO Analysis panel, but that “ain’t right.”

    It would be great if you could provide a code (php) snippet for our functions.php file telling Rank Math to ignore that plugin (or any other that doesn’t need to be rated for SEO).

    Thank you!


    A CPT (Custom Post Type) can be created if a plugin or theme adds another set of content page/post to your website. Any standard CPT that is created, Rank Math adds an SEO Metabox to that CPT.

    Please head over to your WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > [check if the “Services” post type created by your plugin “gAppointments” is added there], if it does, scroll down to “Add SEO Meta Box” and disable it.

    If you wish to do it using a filter, you can customize this filter we provided in our KB guide:

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you. Unfortunately, none of your proposed solutions worked:

    (1) We did not see “Services” in the Rank Math dashboard (looked everywhere), so no “meta box” was found to disable.

    (2) We applied your filter, but nothing happened in the backend.

    Oh well, we’ll just ignore the message issued by your SEO Report. No biggie, however, hoping a future revision of your plugin will ignore code or data added by other plugins.



    Since you haven’t found the CPT listed in Rank Math’s Dashboard then it could be that the plugin you are using is not generating a standard CPT using the WP functions.

    You can indeed ignore this test if the CPT Services is not intended to be search engine optimized.

    You may also check with the developers of the plugin “gAppointments” and see if they can offer a solution.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you. Yes, we’ll reach out to the developers of “gAppointments” to see what they say.

    If they come back with anything valuable, we’ll report it here to help the community.

    Again, thank you!


    You’re welcome! Keep us in the loop of how this goes and if you have any further question(s), please let us know.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Jeremy,

    We reached out to the developer of gAppointments, received great responses, and have to agree with them. Your plugin is reading “other” plugins (CPT code), so best if you guys develop the proper filter to fix this issue. The filter (lessons learned) will also help your plugin when scanning other, similar plugins.

    Here are the responses we received from the developer (Gytis):

    First Response:

    It is the first time we are facing this issue, but I assume the easiest way to solve this would be to add a wp filter to ignore the plugin. Actually, since this is happening with one plugin, there is a big chance it will happen with others. Would be best if Rank Math could add a feature to disable plugins from scanning.

    Second Response:

    Yes, they can contact me on this same email. There are free nulled versions of this plugin. Here’s a link.
    The last thing, since there are quite many places inside a plugin where CPT is used I suggest downloading this free version, open it with some decent IDE like PhPStorm, then search (ctrl + alt + f ) and just type in something like ‘post_type’ =>
    This way you will be able to see all the files using post types.

    Gytis (developer) is willing to assist you in order to develop the filter. He can be reached at:


    So, in short, kindly provide a filter to fix this issue. Our SEO Analysis score is incorrect based on the “bug” contained in your plugin.

    Would you prefer we open a ticket in GitHub? If so, provide the proper GitHub Repo link.

    Thank you!


    Thank you so much for your time checking on this issue.

    Allow me to escalate this ticket to our developers. You should hear from them shortly to discuss this issue.

    We appreciate your time and patience on this one. Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you. We look forward to your developers’ review and fix for this issue.

    Your developers should be able to replicate our issue using above information. If not, let us know and we’ll provide all the steps to replicate it.



    Thank you for getting back to us and sorry for the delayed response.

    Could you please apply the following filter to your website and see if you are able to correctly set the SEO metadata for the Services?

    add_filter( 'rank_math/excluded_post_types',function( $post_types) {
        $post_types['ga_services'] = 'ga_services';
        return $post_types;
    }, 11 );

    Hope this helps solve your issue.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Miguel,

    You’re a genius. It worked!

    A meta box was added successfully below each individual gAppointments service. We changed the meta parameters of each service to “No index, No follow” and our score improved.

    Two things: (hopefully, won’t require to much coding)

    (1) The new post type “GA Services” (title) does not display in the proper Rank Math tab. Click here for details.

    (2) When we navigate to gAppointment’s Services page, Screen Options does not offer an option (check boxes) to add “SEO Details”, “SEO Title”, nor “SEO Description”. Click here for details.

    Can the above be fixed?

    Again, thank you so much!


    1. When we add a new CPT like this it should display with the name that CPT has been created. In this case, it seems that it’s not picking it up correctly so we would need to get clarification from the gAppointments team on how they create this CPT and if they have created it with all the fields set up, including the name.

    If they have created this with a name, then our plugin is not able to pick it up properly, unfortunately.

    2. Regarding this, in the Title & Meta settings for this CPT, do you have the bulk edit options enabled?
    SEO bulk edit

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    To further assist you . . .

    You can reach the developer of gAppointments (Gytis) at:


    And download a free copy of gAppointments at:

    Rank Math free

    Hi Miguel,

    Again, thanks for your swift reply!

    In response:

    (1) Since you’re the expert, see above to get in touch with the developer. Also, have you had a chance to download the plugin and test it yourself? Plugin is available for free from the developer (see above for link)

    (2) Yes, we have Bulk Editing enabled. Didn’t work. This is what we get on the gAppointments Services page: (very strange)




    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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