
  • Resolved roger clutten
    Rank Math free

    We are sorry but this feature is only available to Rank Math PRO/Business/Agency Users. Unlock this feature and many more by getting a Rank Math plan.
    So there’s no way of fixing this schema problem ????

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  • Hello, we apologize for the issue you are facing with the schema. The feature you are referring to is indeed only available to Rank Math PRO users. If you are encountering a schema problem that requires PRO features, the best solution would be to upgrade to a Rank Math PRO plan, which will unlock additional schema functionalities and tools to help you resolve your issues.

    If you have specific details about the schema problem you’re experiencing, please reply to this ticket, and a human agent from the Rank Math Support team will assist you further. Thank you for raising this concern!

    That’s a bit cheeky, wanting us to pay to fix what is obviously a Rankmath problem.!


    Can you please let us know what specific problem you’ve encountered with the schema structure so we can advice further accordingly?

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Schema appears twice ( duplicated) on all pages, only way to stop it was to delete rankmath from all sites. Only started since last upgrade.


    Assuming you are using the latest version of all the plugins and the themes (please update if not yet), it could be caused by a conflict with one of your plugins/theme.

    To determine that, please follow this troubleshooting guide:

    Here is a video you can follow as well:

    Only the site admin would know and your users won’t be affected by this troubleshooting.

    Let us know how this goes.

    Thank you.

    cause of the problem is RM version1.0.233
    Have gone back to v1.0.232 which of course means I will never be able to update RM and the problem has gone away although still have to install sitemap in Google manually,


    Please share the affected URL so we can check and advise accordingly.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Not much point as I have reverted to V1.0.232 which apart from the sitemap problem has cured the problem so you would not see the problem with the duplicated schemas.
    A couple of the sites were and

    I have left one site using v1.0.233 so you can see the doubled up schema….


    We checked the source code of the page you shared and equally tested the page both with the schema validator and Google rich result test tool and we did not see any duplicate schema:

    Can you share a screenshot of where you see the duplicate schema?

    You can use the following tool to share screenshots:

    We anticipate hearing back from you.

    Thank you.

    Not much use because I’ve gone back to V1.0.232, which has fixed the issue aside from the sitemap issue, so you won’t see the duplicate schemas issue.
    Among them were and


    We could able to replicate the issue when you show the schema on the frontend by using the Review Location option in the schema. Our developers are already working on it and soon we’ll release the fix.

    Meanwhile, you can change the Review Location option to shortcode so that the schema doesn’t apply automatically on the front end of your pages.

    Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.

    Thank you.

    Thanks, using the shortcode fixed the problem.


    We are glad that helped.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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