Saving changes doesn’t work. No access to description fields

  • Resolved Rob
    Rank Math free

    When I run an SEO analysis with Rank Math it appears that any changes are not saved by the software. Changes in keywords are not saved. Adding information to description fields is not possible. Adding SEO title etc at homepage doesn’t work.

    I have installed site health and applied all suggested actions. No change in RM results.

    I have gone into troubleshoot modus and enabled and disabled one by one the plugins. As far as I could see (as I am not a software engineer or designer by any means), there was no difference in RM results.

    Could you help me get this working?

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  • Hi Rob,

    Thanks for getting in touch with me.

    We cleared the SEO Analysis cache and ran the SEO Analysis once again.

    It seems to be showing the data correctly. I can change descriptions and titles of your pages as well and I didn’t find a single post on your website.

    Could you please check and let us know what exactly isn’t showing correctly?

    You can share links and screenshots so we are on the same page here.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Uzair,
    Thanks for your help.
    I will look closely at the RM but have to run for a meeting now.
    I have already noticed that there are a lot more notification fields. Also I have seen some changes compared to yesterday.
    It is correct that there are no blog posts (yet).

    I will get back to you in 4-5 hours.


    Please do let us know when you do check.

    If the issue persists, please record a screencast using and share the URL in the sensitive section.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    Hi Support team,

    I don’t know what you have changed but everything works fine now. Saving changes does work, as making updates to description fields.

    Thanks a lot, now I can really make use of the RM plugin.

    Rank Math free

    I have been happy too early….

    I will make some screencasts and send the url in the requested area.

    Rank Math free

    Hello Michael,

    I appreciate it very much that you and the rest of the support team are trying to help me. Unfortunately, Loom doesn’t work here, and to be honest, I am a little bit fed-up with trying to get it working just to show you what is going wrong with RankMath. I hope you would understand I have no clue why it doesn’t work but it has cost me more than 1.5 hours now.

    I have made 4 screenshots and hope we can work from there.
    A strange thing happens. When I start my domain, click RM SEO/dashboard/SEO analysis I see a totally wrong message under the “advanced SEO” as how my site should look like for visitors. Wrong message in the sense that it is an old message that I have changed. Please have a look at Screenshot 1.

    When I restart my domain and I go to RM/dashboard/ Titles & Meta/ Homepage/ click Edit page / Welcome (which is my homepage)
    Now I see a totally different screenshot. I can see now the changes that I have implemented earlier today.
    Please see Screenshot 2. Screenshot 2 shows how the meta text should look like.

    Screenshot number 3 shows that the changes in the H1 header are not applied. Screenshot 4 shows the correct H1 header at the homepage.

    I hope that you could give me an idea where and what I am doing wrong.


    I have the SEO Analysis again and this is what I see:
    screenshot in sensitive data section

    It is the same information you have used.

    Always run the analysis again after naming changes and to see real-time results:

    Hope that helps.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Uzair and other support people,

    Thanks for helping me and giving me tips.
    It looks fine now.

    I am happy to continue with Rank Math.


    We are super happy that this resolved your issue. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.

    If you don’t mind me asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.

    If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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