I am working on a brand new site.
When I activate RankMath and go to edit a page as Administrator, the “Save” page button at the top right is active and clickable (even though no page changes have been made yet).
When I log out and log in as an Editor and go to edit the same page, the “Save” page button is disabled (as it should be before making changes), but remains disabled even after I click “Edit Snippet” in the Rank Math sidebar and make changes. The save button only becomes enabled/clickable if I click into the block editor and make changes to the page content.
- There are no other plugins active.
- There is no firewall set up on the site.
- There are no Javascript errors in the console.
I strongly believe the save button should work the same as if Rank Math is not installed, but failing this, at a minimum the save button should work the same for Admins and Editors.
As a workaround for this site in the meantime, can you identify the specific user capability (e.g.
, etc) that is causing the save button to behave differently between Editors and Administrators?I can at least temporarily enable that specific capability for the Editor role so that my Editors can make changes to the page meta descriptions.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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