Related to Meta discription

  • Resolved Abhinav Shukla
    Rank Math free

    Hey, I am facing a huge problem that is screwing up my ranking earlier I was using the Yoast SEO plugin and then I heard about this amazing plugin and I switched from Yoast to here.
    But now I am facing a huge issue that Is whenever I publish any of my articles there is always one thing that my meta description is missing.
    I always include my keyword in my meta and some more stuff through the edit snippet option during that time it shows me the meta title but after publishing it is not there.
    All these things affected my ranking a lot.
    Please help me out to solve it.

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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    The first quick solution that comes to my mind is to reduce the length of the excerpt added from your posts on your homepage. As you said, it is 100 characters, maybe shortening it would help to don’t let Google think you are trying to rank the homepage for the post keywords.

    I would definitely test it and wait some days to see if the changes worked for you.

    Looking forward to help you.

    Hey Please answer to my question as now the problem is becoming bigger


    This article provides a more clear picture of what might be happening than we could in our reply:

    Please go through it. It is talking about why sometimes the homepage ranks for a keyword that you have a dedicated article for on your website already.

    You just need to give it time.

    Please answer to my question.

    Hi Abhinav,

    Did you check my reply?

    If it doesn’t answer your query, we might not have understood what you are trying to ask.

    Can you please rephrase your query?

    Ok, thanks a lot let me wait and watch hopefully as Neil Patel says that I must give some time to those articles so let me wait.

    Rank Math business


    No problem, we will be here for this or any other questions/issues you might have in the future.

    Looking forward to help you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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