RankMath “does not care” about encoded URLs and made a loop redirection. I
m from Romania, and we have some URLs with diacritics like ț, ș, â, ă, î. We don
t use anymore this characters in URLs but the old ones need 301 redirection. With Yoast there was no problem, with htaccess same, no problem. But Rank Math is missing something!Can you advice me how to redirect this encoded URLs?
Let me give you an example. If I copy this URL from Google Search Console, and paste it in Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, it looks like this:
But, in one second it is changed in this, just before to access it:
You can see that %c8%99 means the ș character? If I put in redirection manager the first one, and redirect it to the actual URL of that post: https://jorjette.ro/elementele-samanice-ale-vrajitoriei/ it does not work. If I put the second one, it is working but only for me logged in administration. If I`m logged out it shows me a redirection loop of https://jorjette.ro/elementele-samanice-ale-vrajitoriei/ to the same https://jorjette.ro/elementele-samanice-ale-vrajitoriei/
Please, I come back again with this issue because last year Michael Davis told me that:
<blockquote>Hi there,
Thanks for the response.
I have just raised this issue with our dev team for closer investigation and we will be getting back to you in a short while.
We appreciate your patience.</blockquote>
And af course, he never came back and the ticket was automated closed after 15 day because I do not reply? To reply to what? I`m not with the empathy. I communicate with the mind because there I have the knowledge! So please, investigate and bring an update. I loose from last year hundreds of URLs position on Google Search because when I switch from Yoast to RankMath this was a very huge issue that other plugin helped me to have it fixed until the switch!
The ticket ‘Redirection of encoded URLs’ is closed to new replies.